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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. It's just on this one project, an old one I'm reworking and actually waveforms appear on one track only, the others are just straight lines. Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. late response: My file structure is C/Cakewalk Projects & Cakewalk Content. The files are very small but no idea what they are. I can't open them. They're so small it may be more trouble to delete than it's worth since they're scattered into different folders.
  3. What are cmp files that are mixed in with the Cake Projects folder? Are they related to Melodyne?
  4. I think there's a way to do this but I am not sure. I want to select a clip and move it to a marker way down the timeline. Is there a shortcut or something to do this? Thank you!
  5. Wow I just checked & it was 3 gb. 1 I deleted it all - thanks.
  6. Sorry if this is a dumb question but are melodyne files stored somewhere else besides as well as being rendered into cakewalk? Just trying to know if there are files I can delete to free up space. Thanks
  7. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is or how to say this, but it used to be as soon as cursor in the timeline goes all the way to the right, immediately my screen would jump to the next view with it on the left as it's playing. Sounds like a computer issue more than sonar but I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.
  8. Thanks I'll have to think about that. I use izotope and they have a dedicated module for unmasking, separate from the compressor for ducking.
  9. Can I use the same side chain input from a vocal bus to two different vsts on an instrument bus - an equalizer for unmasking and a compressor for ducking? These seem like two different functions to me but are they redundant? I'd be interested in other people's experience. Thanks
  10. update - I think it works (or doesn't work) differently when soloing take lanes. I think that's why I wasn't hearing a response.
  11. Got it, thanks. I didn't know the order mattered.
  12. I've rarely used it before. Now even set at -18 db, nothing changes. What am I missing? Thanks.
  13. Do most of you split the clips into smaller portions, or remove the dead space in between phrases before creating region effects for melodyne? I used to just create region effects for the entire vocal, but now I'm wondering if it's more efficient or more accurate to do it one clip at a time. It seems like more work but just wondering what other people do. Thanks.
  14. Thanks!! I clicked help & it offered the choice to sign out from Bandlab, so I think that means I am automatically reactivated? I haven't gotten any more notices.
  15. I've been away for a few days & I just opened CBB & got a message to activate or I'll lose my access but I don't see where to do it? Thanks for any help!
  16. I remembered that tip from an old post, maybe it was your post. It's a great tip but for some reason it didn't work this time. It could be user error but I thought I followed the instructions well.
  17. Thanks that's what I did but I'd like to know what causes it to begin with so I don't have to set from to on every project I export.
  18. I know things like automation Lanes can cause the project to continue past the end but in this case in a couple of my projects it does stop correctly at the end but the exported file has more dead space at the end. What would cause this? Is there some way to catch it without having to export and test each file? Thanks for any suggestions!
  19. I think there's a way to do this without resorting to drag and drop or cut and paste. As far as I know ripple edit will affect everything to the right of the clip as well. Is there some way to just select a clip and have it jump to the beginning of the project? Thank you!
  20. Thanks for all the help!! I had region fx - melodyne & I must have forgotten to render. It's fixed now.
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