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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. I have an ambient recording with two guitar tracks. I'd like to have them inversely related so that as one gets louder the other gets equally softer and be able to fade them in and out like that. Is there a way to do this without doing each one separately? Thanks!
  2. I've checked routing & muteing. Am I missing something? Sometimes I still get strange behavior from CBB although it's usually user error. Any ideas? thanks.
  3. Thanks for the responses! Does anyone know where the Ableton files are stored on my computer?
  4. Is there a way to do this? I just can't wrap my head around Ableton but they do have some cool sounds. I don't know exactly where they're stored on a PC. Is anyone tried this before?
  5. Got it, thanks Glen! I expanded the trax vertically with no improvement but forgot about doing it horizontally - that worked.
  6. Did I disable something by accident? There's no space to write the name unless I remove it from the folder. I checked a past project with folders & it was normal. Thanks.
  7. My guess is they will wait till the last minute when CBB is about to be discontinued, and then give us a chance to buy a license with no further updates.
  8. update - it was the software mixer of my Focusrite Scarlette interface. I've never quite understood the software & it was somehow combining the output into mono. What a difference to get stereo back! Something is off, I'm not hearing much of any difference between mono and stereo. Is there some setting I made by accident? The obvious is to check the mono sterio button on the master bus and it seems to make little difference which I engage. I've never heard of anything like this. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. I like mixing with everything in mono and FX turned off. It helps me to get a truer balance between different voices and then when I convert to stereo with FX toward the end, it's magic.
  10. All good ideas, thanks! I'll check out the scroll wheel next time I boot up. I do use click and drag all the time but often I want to just do a portion of the clip so I need to select it first and I don't think I can do that until I go through the three steps I listed to get to clip gain. Anyway I'll experiment next time I'm online.
  11. I adjust the level of clips a lot and it takes me three clicks...clips, automation, clip gain. Has someone got a better workflow shortcut for this? Thanks
  12. Is it still available for purchase? I used to love using it but I can't anymore.
  13. 3 buses suddenly showed up on the right. All I need is 1 but can't find how to delete the others. Any ideas? Thanks.
  14. Thanks for all yr suggestions, it seems to be OK now - maybe a cable? I went thru some of the steps you all suggested but not sure which one worked. Sometimes I think it's a cbb issue. I've had no sound sometimes from a channel strip & had to disable a plugin that was blocking it for some reason. The Focusrite troubleshooting steps were good & should apply to other interfaces as well if other people run into this.
  15. I think so, I will double check tomorrow. The names are abbreviated because there's not enough space in the lower column of the bus but I will take a closer look. Sometimes I've also gotten a second delay bus added too inadvertently.
  16. When I import a template a 2nd master bus shows up. This shouldn't happen, it messes up the mix. I can delete & recreate the template but first, am I doing something wrong? thanks!
  17. Thanks...ASIO into a Focusrite Scarlett, the Scarlett mixer shows a level, Cbb meters respond when I tap the mic...i don't know what else to check
  18. I know this isn't much to go on, but I'm getting practically no level from my vocal mic. I tested it in another program and the mic works okay, I've checked routing inputs and outputs and they're okay. I'm getting just the faintest signal recorded. It's probably user error but any suggestions of something I might have overlooked? Thank you!
  19. I'd like to do that also but can't find it in keyboard shortcuts. Do you recall where it was? Thanks.
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