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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. Thanks for the advice! To rephrase my question there are two places where I can make the reverb fully wet, the plug-in output itself and also on the aux bus fader. The aux send knob doesn't seem to be sensitive enough to my ears and the slightest increase in send gives me too much reverb with the other two settings fully wet. I didn't know if it makes a difference in gain staging which one I pull down for a better response.
  2. yes that's the old thread. I started a new thread for this specific output/wet dry question & to find out more if it's really in danger of not allowing my projects to open. Sorry if that was bad protocol.
  3. Still playing with perfect space in an AUX bus. The bus fader is up all the way, and if I keep the perfect space output control fully wet it's just way too much, even when the send is minimal. Does it matter whether I back off the wet dry mix or in the bus fader? Also I'm aware that it's 32-bit, at some point is this likely to stop my projects from opening? I have one project doing that for some reason and it's a headache, I have to disable all the FX and start again. Thanks!
  4. No, everything's in Cakewalk. It's an old project that originally started in guitar tracks pro, wrk files I think they were, and then copied and a lot more editing in the current file format.
  5. Okay thanks I will if it happens again. It hasn't happened when I'm copying a clip however, at least not that I'm aware of. It's when I reopen a project I find the clips have moved so I have no idea when it occurred.
  6. All good suggestions, nothing checks out. I'm not using arranger tracks on this type of project. My audio data looks about the same as Lord Tim except allow importing wave file cue markers, whatever that means. I had wondered if it's just not saving properly after moving clips around but at this point I think I need to wait and see if it replicates on another project. This type of project, dialogue with lots of intermittent sound effects is a very different workflow from music. I've been away from this for a while so it's very likely something I'm doing. All of your help is much appreciated!
  7. Thanks for the responses. Snap is mostly off because this is dialogue with sound effects. When I opened the project I found some of the sound effects way further down the timeline and not with the words in the dialogue where they should be. It's still probably user error but I have no idea what.
  8. Thanks that's something to be aware of but these clips are moving way down the timeline, several measures.
  9. I've tried several of the room sims and to be honest I think I get just as much out of checking my mix in mono. I do like the idea of the mix checker app that Craig mentioned, hearing how it will sound on several different low-fi systems
  10. When I listen back to a project I'm finding some clips moved much further down the timeline than they should be. Ripple edit is always off, I make sure of that. Is there any other reason why this would be happening? It's probably user error but I don't know where to start looking for an answer. Thank you
  11. When I made a change on one clip it applied to all clips on the same track. I tried moving the clip to a different track, applying to change and it still applied to the clips on the original track. Obviously I'm missing something. Is there somewhere to select properties for clip behavior? Thanks!
  12. It seems OK today...maybe just needed a computer restart?? I don't know why these things happen but thanks for yr input!!
  13. Okay I'll see if I can cut down on some comment still the type of noise and interference is so different than anything I've experienced. Thanks for the advice.
  14. You're right, thanks for the response. I'm on Windows 10, focusrite i-188 interface, CBB, several izotope plugins. It's a different sound from what I usually associate with stuttering from a plug-in. It may have started when I powered on my PreSonus monitors before or while I was loading the project. I wonder if that induced some kind of a transient loop or something. It just seems to be the one project and ozone in particular is buzzing and filled with static, that's very unusual. It does clear up if I disable all the FX. So none of that makes any sense to me. I will do some more testing tomorrow.
  15. This just started: I get pops when i push play & when I enable a plugin. Worse, when i enable Ozone I get a static/buzzing sound. I increased the buffer but no change. Any ideas? thanks!
  16. Disable plugs one at a time & see if one is the cause.
  17. One other question - in safe mode if I check no to load some plugs but then check yes to all for the rest, does that mean it will load even the ones I checked no to?
  18. Now it's not even opening from the menu, so far it just seems to be one project. I did open in safe mode and it gives me the option to delete vsts but I have no idea if that is the problem or which one is causing the problem. Also when I opened it all of the FX bins are empty. Do I have to start all over again with my vsts? how do I know what is causing the problem? Thank you, please help!
  19. Great - thanks so much. I never heard of that before.
  20. I get this message whan I use the export module. What does it mean? Is there something I need to do? thanks.
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