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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Stay dry (AGAIN!) Bill!
  2. Does this make it even more Superior?
  3. 'Tis true (doesn't work though?). I once checked out the stats and found that Portland Oregon actually gets less rain than many cities you never hear associated with rain. But the weirdest fact was that Seattle gets the same amount as Portland only they have FAR more rainy days up there! This is what has led to the Seattle weather forecasts of: Misting Just finished misting, and... About to mist ?
  4. Looks like an app I'll need to get once I have a studio again! Very cool and MUCH better than having to program the floorboard by hitting the pedals! ?
  5. Oh come on! Even at $300/hour, 30 seconds would only cost you $2.50! ? Do we need to make a "Go Fund Me" for ya???! ?
  6. craigb


    Here, have a couple cups of this! Cures my meh everytime. ?
  7. I'm afraid I'm not going to be very helpful on the follow-up! Since I had to sell my studio, I haven't used anything except for my old XP dual-server box with SONAR Pro v4! I did have this connected to various pieces of gear and it worked great (you can program it using the pedals themselves). I would hope things are even easier now.
  8. "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet!" ~ Moses
  9. The coffee is brewing and, I think, a becan omelette sounds like just the right thing for my breakfast/lunch/brunch! (I certainly won't be wasting any time making hash browns either!) ?
  10. My old standby: Behringer FCB 1010
  11. Rumor has it that Lorena Bobbit was in an auto accident... Apparently some dick cut her off.
  12. I don't know... She looks old enough!
  13. Sorry Ed, but this is MUCH better than your offering. (I mean, who wants to play piano without something to sit on???)
  14. One back at ya Steve! ? If you want to know why, well the song title is the answer! ?
  15. How can you tell if these are a bunch of bad pirate puns? They just arrrrr!
  16. I bet Rain would like this! (One of CJ's many studios I assume...)
  17. I wouldn't mind going a few rounds with her...
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