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Everything posted by craigb

  1. One small step for a man, one awesome job for Jack! ??
  2. Not sure what I can add, it really was all about telling myself that my disks were regenerating instead of degenerating (which is what the doctor said they were doing). The rest included some self-hypnosis that I was healing, but that's about it!
  3. At one point I was having really bad lower back spasms that would drop me to the ground. The doctor said my L3 and L4 had degenerated and were starting to mix together (and he had the x-ray to prove it). The usual fusion surgery was recommended. Needless to say, since this was when I was working on my PhD, I bounced the issue off of one of the instructors who suggested I try an NLP technique called "reframing." Because all of the cells in your body are always being replaced (skin quickly, bones the slowest), this meant saying my disks were regenerating instead of degenerating. It took well over three years, but my issues went away. Then I blew out my rotator cuff and was back at the same doctor who asked how I had injured myself. When I said it was playing A-level softball he asked how I was even able to play with my back issues. After I told him what I did he wanted to take a new x-ray (which he paid for himself) and the first words out of his mouth when the x-ray arrived were "that's impossible!" Sorry Doc, but I really did regrow my disks! Two things were learned: One, you have far more control over your body than you think and, two, doctors are great, but they don't know everything!
  4. Hey, it looks like they don't need just about everything else, so maybe they don't even need a keyboard either, ya?
  5. Wow... my post above has a pink background and is "hidden!" That's something new...
  6. Well, it starts out ok, but what the heck is all that stuff in the middle that's not more becan??! ?
  7. So THAT'S how they record those "ocean wave" relaxation backing tracks!
  8. You'll have to ask Monica. (I believe "Lewinsky" is Polish for "Humidor." ?)
  9. What cue are you basing this on??? ?
  10. I will not participate in this sexist thread. ?
  11. I have friends like that too... ?
  12. Things people are not sure of: That the Earth is a globe (albeit slightly pear shape) That we put men on the moon That the Earth is more than 6,000 years old That there are only two sexes Things we are sure of: There are far more uneducated, stupid, but indignant people now
  13. Been there, watched that. A very good explanation! I've used Fourier Series for years. If you're really a math nerd like me, you'll love this video! And another excellent one showing Fourier Transforms.
  14. Just a quick update! First, (in blue above), some of these have occurred. There was one near Yellowstone, Texas had a couple and there was even one in Ontario Canada (the farthest East point of the American Crayton). Second, (in purple above), San Francisco had a small quake (only a 3.2). Third, (in green above), this one just happened this morning (8am PDT). A 5.4 about 120 miles off the coast right on the point of the Juan De Fuca plate that literally points between Medford and Roseberg. Still think earthquakes can't be predicted? The logic is actually very straightforward and easy to verify!
  15. I don't know, I think the line starting a minute into the clip below is better! ?
  16. That would have been awesome! Reminds me of this interview (among several others).
  17. I have that one somewhere, but the device below is what I really miss!
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