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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Gosh, I hope he's not at the age where he has Happy Birthday ED! ? ?
  2. Well, it's obvious that they're accidentals E-Soul! ?
  3. [Edit: Oops! Missed Ed's, though I'm not getting his connection so, I'll just keep mine to follow Steve's! ?]
  4. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/metallica-cancel-tour-james-hetfield-rehab-892158/
  5. Followed Reinhardt Buhr's Bandcamp link and saw he had a 70% off discount if you got all 12 of his albums which turned out to be less than a package of Elixirs (and came with two additional single releases) so I actually gave him a bit more. For the cost of about four (good) beers at the pub I now have a lot more music to listen to while I work! ??
  6. After arriving in Frankfurter, I took a tankstellenfasan to Maurerforelle and still have my ticket the Senfpeitsche punched. Too bad when I arrived it was dampfriemen...
  7. Holy crap that was good! I could listen to that music without even knowing how it was created. Thought I would only watch a couple of minutes, but ended up watching the whole thing twice. ? Too bad he apparently has no friends though... ?
  8. I mean, he apparently IS able to balance all those DAW's and VST's, ya? ?
  9. Although I'm not sure how to monetize it, I've found that the older I get the more streams I produce (especially during the night)...
  10. Note that stealing is probably closer to "re-purposing" than "refurbishing." (Just sayin'...?)
  11. OMG! You HAVE to be kidding me! Apparently, you can't say the name of the instrument Ed plays in this, a musician forum! C'mon Mods - fix that stupid censor!
  12. B***** Am Postaholic Unfunny Simples!
  13. So I can talk about Richard Pryor now? ?
  14. Because there are those that believe that both a thin lizzy and a steely dan were ***** toys for females (only one was). Or, because Josie is also coming home (i.e., back in town) - your choice. ?
  15. Love it! ? You sure you didn't work for Harris Waste Management? There was a Dave who came down from your area that was a bit flipper for them (their office was near Airport Way in the Portland area). Same look too...
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