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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Are you sure they won't still support windows? ?
  2. What scales are they using? (Fish scales obviously! ? )
  3. The hot wax method of hair removal is not recommended. Just sayin'...
  4. Sorry, I've only got a yee (but it's 40% off!). ?
  5. Just checked to see if S.L.I.P. had taken this thread over the edge yet! ?
  6. I'm going to guess that I snuck mine in while Strummy was posting! ?
  7. Don't knock it until you try it! ?
  8. This is just one of the usual Coffee House mock threads. Evidently clever enough to fool you (and pwalpwal) apparently! ?
  9. WHOOPS! Sorry, I thought I was at the end (turned out to just be the end of the last page!).
  10. I'm currently listening to Synkrotron's Beach and Neutrino albums! ?
  11. Sorry Andy, but you appear to be in the wrong thread! ? (Take a closer look at that title... ?)
  12. This offer is limited to days that end in "y."
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