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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Hmm... I thought I had already replied! And there it is, way back on page one. Guess I'm done here! ?
  2. So many to choose from! Gilligan's Island, Star Trek, MASH, etc. I guess I'll add this one for now: I also really liked One More Time by Ian Curnow (used in some House commercials), but it apparently is only available as a single on a multi-artist album and I can't seem to find it playable online (either they want a subscription or they have the wrong song)... *Sigh...* [Edit: Just discovered that Ian was the keyboardist for Talk Talk. I've only found a SAMPLE. ]
  3. You say that like it's not a good thing Steve! I mean, I wood would, but I don't because I can't remember where I've been... ?
  4. As Bapu said in that other thread, he tried to be funny almost a dozen times, but... no pun in ten did! ?
  5. I like the old school approach better.
  6. Kenny, Kenny, Kenny... I keep tellin' ya! Avoid the locals!!! ?
  7. Wow, two of my favorites back to back! ?
  8. I heard they were going to play at that last big concert, but got scratched... ?
  9. Sounds like more of short hallway than a studio!!! ?
  10. Is this where the term "Genetic Defect" comes from?
  11. Did you hear about the Philippine contortionist? He was a real Manila folder!
  12. I can't help but wonder how much extra was made due to the practice versus what the fine was... If Korg (for example) made an extra £2 million, then they still came out ahead £0.5 million after the £1.5 millon fine.
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