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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I especially liked the "planting" part. ?
  2. The "shot girl" at a nightclub back in the day (best friend of the waitress I was going out with) got into a nasty head-on car accident which left her with a long scar down the front of her chest and stomach. She figured she was stuck with the scar, so she got a tattoo of a zipper over it!
  3. Ya, but how many football pitches was it in length? ?
  4. Was the degausser electric or one of those large magnets with a big metal grip? Heh, side-note, my friend likes to use old hard drive magnets like most people use fridge magnets. The huge difference is the power! You can actually use them on standard drywall walls because they'll stick to the screw heads that are buried (they make for a cheap stud finder too!). If you use them on your fridge, they can be quite difficult to get off!
  5. I had a small earring in my left ear when I joined a band, but that filled in decades ago. I've never had a tattoo (I personally think they're graffiti and almost everyone I've seen with them would look better without - JMO!) but, if I were to get one, I already know what it would be: The keyboard keys Ctrl, Alt & Del (probably on the back of my neck)! ?
  6. Small world! So you were running my code! (Me and a guy named Lance who I worked with on this.) ?
  7. Whoa! Just stumbled on this! Original ADVENTURE game on 8" floppy for "only" $599.99! I should still have a couple 8" floppies saved in storage for kicks. Heck, one may actually have the original ADVENTURE game since I helped port it to the HP (from Unix) back in 1978! "A hollow voice says 'PLUGH!'"
  8. I do miss several that used to post there though! It's becoming rare that they ever visit here (or, with some, not at all)... ?
  9. I grew up in San Diego and a friend worked for this company. I remember laughing at this ad because who the heck needs 10 MB of storage anyway??? I waited until the price came down to $910 and bought one... *Sigh...* ?
  10. That would probably smell pretty bad too! ? (Probably best to not bring up your foot fetish here as well...?)
  11. Not good Paulo! You're supposed to be able to see the star ? (Are we even allowed to use the word "naked" in these forums??) That's over 252,849,462 times farther away then our Sun! (Or about 344,886,666,666,666,667 football pitches, give or take.)
  12. That looks like a very uncomfortable gun to use!
  13. Was the leader named Milli or Vanilli? ?
  14. I doubt we'll ever see the old pricing models again. Everything is SAAS now (Software as a Service) with monthly subscriptions. I hate them because I can't stand the thought of someday not being able to run a program because I didn't keep up with the subscription!
  15. That second link no worky as is Nigel, so here is what it's supposed to be!
  16. I never wanted to be Rich and Famous (just Rich). But I ended up as Craig not Rich.
  17. NOW I know why some people should wear a mask! ? Example:
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