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Everything posted by craigb

  1. "So, I shouldn't be buying all my plug-ins from Amazon?" ~ Bapu probably ?
  2. F*uck Buttons Toad the Wet Sprocket Menstrual Pancake Turd Magnet Bass To Pain Converter Birth Control Dike Disco Gay Satanic Hippie Kanye West
  3. Virus just going to post something like that! ?
  4. *Pffft!!!* You had that covered some 30,000 plug-ins ago! ?
  5. This is probably how that one group ended up being called "The Band" ya?
  6. I don't see either of these, so more work is required!
  7. Gotta laugh at Paulo! (He thinks you're into S/M Steve! ? )
  8. Definitely. Compared to the rest, this one has too much intellectual content. ?
  9. Just the Bapu bass-ics? Nice herd of fish you've got there Ed! ?
  10. AKA "The face Ed makes when he's trying to hot-wire the guitarist's car!" ?
  11. Heh... I still remember (from back in the 70's) when it came down to the 'ol "So, what should we call ourselves?" The bass player (naturally! ? ) came up with "Random Precision" 'cause he thought it sounded cool. I'm not sure what we settled on, but we didn't want a name that truly described our playing ability. ?
  12. Don't over-analyze things Ed. I mean, really... If you knew what the word "Cuttlefish" actually meant to Nigel you'd go crazy too! ?
  13. *Now how the heck do I transition that to Lords of Acid??!* ?
  14. Well, it does match the statement of "...wasn't born yesterday" I suppose!
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