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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. I was thinking I might grab the The Famous E Electric Piano.. But I do have quite a few Rhodes patches in various instruments and the IK Stage 73 Mark V along with any others that come with Sampletank 3 / 4... so I'm a little on the fence with it. I've added it to the order for now though and will decide.
  2. Seemed pretty clear to me... on the partners page if you browse that, it shows the $178 but if you add it to the cart it goes back to $339.. at least that's what I saw on the page and from adding it. I didn't plan on buying it, but I was curious ?
  3. Introducing United Guitar Bundle - 5 plugins worth €525 for €199 from United Plugins https://unitedplugins.com/UnitedGuitarBundle United Guitar Bundle Power your guitar and bass 5 plugins at total cost €525 for €199 (Sign in to see your price if you already own any of them) Electrum - https://unitedplugins.com/Electrum/ Bassment - https://unitedplugins.com/Bassment/ Quick AG - https://unitedplugins.com/QuickAG/ QuickBass - https://unitedplugins.com/QuickBass/ DIFIX - https://unitedplugins.com/DIFIX/ To mix any rock band you need to cover all kinds of guitar sounds. From acoustic guitar to roaring electric guitars and basses. United Guitar bundle covers them all. All premium guitar plugins packed into this nice parcel. It contains our all-in-one electric guitar solution - Electrum, and the ultimate and fast acoustic guitar mixing plugin QuickAG. QuickBass gives you a chance to come up with a great bass guitar sound within a second and Bassment delivers bass amp simulation par-excelence. Also, everybody who records their guitars without a propper DI box will love DIFIX. Last but not least the bundle gives you the access to the lightweight "Core" versions of Electrum and Bassment. As said before, all guitar areas covered. You can try referral coupon UP9198165 AND it will add at least €10+ to your account to use towards your next purchase with them if you haven't brought from them before. It normally also gives 20% off which doesn't apply to intro prices. Being a bundle of existing products, it could go either way, but might be worth a shot. Also still on sale Nanopulse - https://unitedplugins.com/Nanopulse 76% off at intro price of €19 instead of €79 Mirror - https://unitedplugins.com/Mirror/ 50% off at €34 instead of €69 FrontDAW https://unitedplugins.com/FrontDAW/ 50% off €24 instead of €49
  4. That's a pretty awesome price for ReAmp Studio!
  5. I already had the Sonible Balancer as well and don't really use it, but I still grabbed this purely in case there's an upgrade offer via Focusrite (or Sonible) for any that I might want in future. In general I don't like the AI stuff, although there are some exceptions where it seems to be an ok option, so I try to keep an open mind ?
  6. FAST Balancer free for Focusrite Collective users and Novation (save $44.99) ? https://customer.focusritegroup.com/en/software/fast-balancer Instantly improve your audio’s characteristics through trouble-free controls and a powerful AI, giving you professional results. Free for registered Focusrite and Novation hardware customers — discount applied at checkout. SET THE TONE, INSTANTLY Choose between Warm, Neutral, and Bright to add an instant flavour to your voice and instruments, so that you can set the mood and stay in the creative flow. Set the tone that’s right for you, then easily select how much of FAST Balancer’s EQ is affecting your audio with the Intensity slider. From strong to subtle, position the slider to what sounds best for you and your track, and have a balanced mix on the fly. Balance the frequency spectrum of your voice and instruments in one click. Polish them instantly and have a professional sounding mix without needing to tweak countless settings. The AI-powered plugin is trained on over 500,000 real-world audio files from vocals, electric and acoustic guitar, bass, drums, and more. Don’t be restricted by presets with FAST Balancer analysing your audio — taking all of its knowledge — and applying the best settings with the selected instrument profile in mind. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS OPERATING SYSTEMS Windows 10 (64-bit) Mac: OSX 10.12+ RAM: at least 4 GB (recommended) CPU: at least intel DualCore i5 (recommended) GPU: OpenGL Support SUPPORTED HOSTS 64-bit AU, AAX, VST2, VST3 PLUG-IN FORMATS Ableton Live 9-11, FL Studio, Reaper 4 & 5, Pro Tools 11 or later, Logic Pro 9 & 10, Reason 11, Studio One 5, Cubase 10.5
  7. It definitely is! Some of their products are actually really good and sound great. I would say some of the best group buys I've seen too. If they could just focus more on some of their standard shortcomings and listen more to customer feedback they could be unstoppable.
  8. Once you can get the new software from Arturia maybe, but their servers and everything grind to halt and stop responding and syncing purchases as well, on almost any release, so they're maybe not the best example ? But they do seem well coded besides that. Agreed with Peter too.. whatever they pay him, they should at least double it!
  9. And just like that, thou gods have spoken and cast shame upon IK and said, thou shall not shafteth thou customers by getting them to pay twice for something they already own.. for if they make them, IK will spend their eternity in the firey pits of hell, only reserved for likes of Waves and other WUP style peddlers ?
  10. Thanks ? That's what threw me as I did a conversion from €79 to USD and the just don't add up! Changing to USD does indeed show $69 even though according to xe.com €79 should be $82.39.. VAT might explain it I guess, but it's definitely unusual..
  11. I guess maybe they're just not as popular as the 2A, but you're right, there's not as many options unfortunately. If it was 65% off that particular plugin then it would be an instant buy. I'm still considering buying it even if it costs more, just to give the one finger salute to Waves and their crappy WUP antics ??
  12. Not sure if it needs a reboot or something, but the gain reduction meters stop working when switching to mid/side. It's clearly being compressed and even increasing the gain on the input to 100 and peak reduction to 100, the GR meter doesn't move. Switch back to stereo and with no settings changed it's doing 15dB of gain reduction with the meters working correctly.. It did seem to work initially, so I'm now wondering if their software might be a little buggy or unstable. Solved: In testing on a number of source tracks, I had copied it to a mono track and that breaks the metering...
  13. These should definitely be free for owners of Sunset as the full plugin in T-Racks. It's quite laughable to cripple them somewhat, stuff them into Mixbox, throw some presets with them and then charge again.. milking at its finest! For some reason I start reconsidering updates from IK when I see an IK update thread growing from previous experience.. it generally means they either screwed up the installer, introduced some bugs, or shafted people on pricing ? I do like some of their stuff though ?
  14. I am somewhat considering their Comp LA. I've been taking it for a test run and it's quite decent. I've been trying to deWavesify / deWUPify my set up ? I was able to replace the CLA-2A with the Black Rooster Audio VLA-2A which for my tastes was at least on par. Then BRA gave us the MKII version update free and I much prefer that to the CLA-2A in terms of functionality and sound. But I still preferred the Waves CLA-3A than the BRA version of that and some of the others I tried. So far the 3A in Comp LA seems on par with the Waves CLA-3A but it's much more versatile, including Mid/Side and gain controls as well as harmonics. It could be a contender.
  15. Do you happen to own more of theirs, or what region are you browsing from, because I see most of their gems all as €79.00?
  16. Yeah all these plugin companies don't mind hyping the maximum discount even when it only applies to barely one plugin..
  17. I remember this being very heavy on resources as well. Just tried it again on the stereo buss and it was OK, but I don't have a lot running at the moment. Sounded surprisingly nice. I wondered if they might have released new updates for me to install, but it doesn't seem they have unfortunately, so if it was a resource hog back then, it probably still is.
  18. I'm using 32C and I'm really quite impressed with it for mixing. Cubase is more efficient on CPU etc, but like they pitch, I do also use more of the inbuilt stock plugins in 32C. I got the XT Compressor for free with 32C and I really like it. Especially for sidechaining and ducking bass, when the kick hits, or ducking other instruments for vocals, etc. I have a tonne of other great and paid compressors, some costing more than I paid for 32C and I still reach for XT. The XT gate (yes, it's just a gate!), I really like as well. The tape saturation on the busses in Mixbus are really great sounding too. That's why I was considering getting this Mixbus, to get all the XT plugs as well, but just keep using 32C.
  19. Lots of brilliant and time saving updates and new features in 12, but even by 9.5 it was a really complete and great DAW. For me, Cubase is the most rounded and comprehensive there is. The other DAWs for sure all have some great features as well though.
  20. And the underwhelming freebies continue! Across all of the companies it's mainly repeats of freebies, lack lustre, or both! I don't think they need to do much to drive sales at the moment..
  21. Such a great DAW and with 12 Pro, I'm really left wanting, or needing very little.. almost nothing... I'm still finding and exploring new functionality.. it's pretty damn comprehensive!
  22. It's very different to Waldorf 2 LE and runs perfectly on Cubase 12 Pro / Win10. It can easily go from super warm, to gnarly sounds (especially basses) and with lots of movement and an analogue'ish sound. I have fun programming patches on Largo ?
  23. That's how I use it personally. My main DAW is Cubase which I love and use for all recording and production, but I enjoy Mixbus purely for the mixing experience and sound. Cubase is still great for that and I use for mixdowns as well, but it's nice having both options. The combination of the buss saturation in Mixbus and even the quality of some of the stock effects in it allows for a really nice result.
  24. The thing I wondered with this is if you already have Mixbus 32C, can you buy this just to get all the XT plugins and use them inside 32C or will they only be licensed inside this version of Mixbus?
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