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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @MIDInco as noted by @Colin Nicholls really 1 & 2 are none of our business, regarding 3, who are we to question Bandlab Technologies business plan. Back to 1. As far as I know, when Gibson closed SONAR down on the 17th of November 2017, that is what they did they closed it down. How do I know this because I got an email telling me that Gibson had shut it down with immeadiate affect. I will let you contemplate what that actually meant.
  2. If you had posted on the PreSonus forum, X, Facebook, Whats-App etc pages, information about another DAW, not only would your post have been removed but you would have been banned from all PreSonus sites. That's a little over the top, but it is the PreSonus policy. For obvious reasons Bandlab don't really want to see other competitors DAW products being promoted, deal or what, on their forums. Thanks for understanding.
  3. @PavlovsCat the whole point of Scaler is for those who don't or can't be bothered to get some basic theory under their fingers. Personally I have had it since version 1, I now have had 2 since it came out. Have I ever actually used it to create a track no, not one. Barely even spent any time trying. Will I get 3 when it inevitable gets released, it is 2.9 now, doubtfully. If you want expand your musical range @husker and be more adventurous with your scales and or chord progressions, it will help. But and it is quite a big but it is tool, a tool with quite a steep learning curve. You will need to spend some considerable time learning it to get the best out of it.
  4. @RexRed as noted Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 still works, and that is over 24 years old. Will an OS update kill off old software, that is always a risk, more likely that old hardware will no longer be supported. locking this thread for obvious reasons.
  5. Can't say I have seen this, installed 3 new instruments and an FX in the last week without issues. I only install VST 3 plugins these days. Have you tried a reset and rescan. Make sure no VST 2 are in your VST 3 directory or VST3 in your VST 2 as the scanner ignores plugins installed in the wrong directory.
  6. Interesting headphones, thanks for the update.
  7. Can't say I am hearing overly loud whistle on my Adams or DT 770/990, though when I listened on my tablet it does squeak a little, the bass response is lacking on the tablet. It is the drone that has a very slow sweep on one of the oscillators which is probably creeping in. What are you listening on? Thank you taking the time to have a listen and comment, it is appreciated.
  8. Thank you for you kind words and continued support.
  9. Thanks Bjorn, nice to know it worked for you. GForces DMX Oberheim drum machine is a powerful tool.
  10. Thanks Tom, Dr. Finally put me on antibiotics for my chest today. Appreciate you support as ever.
  11. Keep it polite, no personal attacks.
  12. Thank you Lynn, sorry for being slow, I have been struck down with some lurgy, not Covid, but I have spent the last week in bed, sleeping ?.
  13. Do you have a Bandlab account? Have tried Help > Activate!
  14. Or save the thousands on just two when you could have 22 from cherry audio synths stack 4 for a mere £340.00
  15. And it works too. It was the one thing that irritated me about VCV had to pay for the VST plugin, have pushed how "free" it was. Inserting links in my tablet appears to be a PITFA (F = furry)
  16. @craigb as promised the free version of VCV Rack that will work as a VST plugin is called Cardinal. Just do an internet search for Cardinal modular synth for link's. Apologies for the delay been busy with other stuff.
  17. @RexRed it is in my YouTube history to watch later.
  18. Thank you Steve, it was fun, especially as it just fell out of the paws.
  19. @craigb these days due to major changes here I am TITB. Plenty of advice already given on systems. But if your interested in the modular root, there are a number of options. There is still a free version of VCV 1, but no VST plugin version. Cherry Audio's starter VM modular is frequently free to. There is also a free version of VCV 2 that works as a VST, sorry name escapes me at the moment I will find it and come back. There are a number of other free modular's. Cherry Audio's instruments are extremely usable and favourably priced. As Mark states you need a reasonable powered PC, and I agree with him regarding laptops. As ever happy to help if required.
  20. @RexRed can inquire why two GPU's when so many now support up to 4 screens, even at 4K.
  21. Wookiee

    Celestial Oblivion

    @Bapu Definitely better.
  22. @Misha ironically Cakewalk Pro Audio had a looping function. You could create a single clip and loop it for the length of your song without dragging it out like you do now.
  23. You are old school linear, like using a tapedeck. ? Ableton is very much about building loops that work together. I watch a regular YouTube chap called Synth Seeker who uses Ableton to build Berlin style tunes. Try giving him a view Andy he shows how he builds his music in Ableton.
  24. Annual updates, if taken every year, are a subscription. But I would like to see some form of guaranteed ownership. Unfortunately many products are doing the subscription route. Even Roland's pay-4-life, requires you maintain an account, all be it free, once you have what you want to keep it authorised.
  25. You only have to launch one either Sonar or CbB once to authorise Dim Pro. Once done in one it will be good in the other. It's why I suggested the CCC as that would have authorised everything in one go.
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