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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. It looks like sapele, which is very similar to mahogany, but a more environmentally friendly. My Spacy Telecaster body is Sapele has nice tone, and rings when tapped.
  2. Incorrect CClarry has not been banned or suspended. The reasons for his disappearance are as much a mystery to me as to all who are speculating.
  3. Yes as it was myself, as it was not a "Deal" or deal related irrelevant of content, it was also not appropriate for the Songs forum, consequently it went to the most appropriate forum. There are several other moderators, spread around the globe, and Admin, that could have also moved it.
  4. What i5 model are you using?
  5. @Grem oil the body, much easier to do, my Spacy Telecaster is oild, requires very little maintenance. Good luck gave fun.
  6. I don't know what code framework they use now, I was trying to be helpful as to a reason for their disappearance. It is a long time since I wrote code, we used C, C++ or C# or .NET or visual studio did not exist, and none of the fancy tools they use now, it was also under the CP/M OS.
  7. @Piing they are I believe all either BMP or PNG images. As the GUI for Sonar is now been updated to the modern way of GUI generation, vector graphics, those image formats have been done away with. Nothing to do with being sacrificed on any alter, anywhere, using vector graphics enables faster coding, leading to faster development time, easierto add new features. It is also the way forward.
  8. @T Boog your assumption is incorrect of his situation, he placed himself were he is, it was his choice. Like you I learnt of his decision through his announcement posting, as a mod I did and said nothing to him. I can only assume some other Mod or Admin did. @Artie Choke you can apologise now I had nothing to do with him, Scook, being blocked, suspended or anything to do with him leaving, I missed his posts and his useful utilities. I noticed Scook was MIA sometime ago, not the first time I might add, I just assumed he had other/better things to do with his time. I was aware he did some software development and thought perhaps he was busy doing that. It was only when I checked I discovered how long it had been since he posted. As to your accusation of me being on a power trip, as moderator here we all have been given a set of rules by Bandlab to use to moderate these forums. These range from dealing with spam, inappropriate content posts, personal attacks between users. There was a recent update to those rules, that indicated that posts regarding product of a direct competition to Bandlab products would no longer be tolerated, the same as PreSonus don't in their forums. Unlike PreSonus where such post result in the removal of the post and the banning of the originator. That is not the case here only the posts will be hidden or removed. If you feel the need to make a complaint about me please do, you should note your post here constitutes a personal attack on myself. Personal attacks are frowned upon, personal attacks on moderators even more so. Possibly the reason you see me as an adversary is because I stick my head above the parapet, unlike the other mods. Perhaps you would like to put up with the PM's and other c r a p because someone crossed a line and got upset with me. You will note you, Artie Choke, have not been either suspended or put on post approval for your personal attack on myself. Just have a little think about it. One last thought for you all, all the mods are volunteers we get nothing in return for doing it, only abuse from the users, I do wonder why I do it, perhaps as a Cakewalk user of some 32 years I would like to see the product succeed and the community to be supportive of each other and the product. No I didn't remove your post.
  9. What happens if you load Kontakt without using the Unify host?
  10. CCLarry appears to have left the forum of his own choosing there is little anyone can do. To the best of my knowledge he has neither been banned or suspended. He is no longer posting here by his own choice.
  11. When making statements be sure of your facts, this is my first time seeing and only interaction in this thread, consequently I have absolutely know idea of what you are accusing me of doing. Care to explain?
  12. Wookiee


    Different but familiar at the same time. Mix works here.
  13. Wookiee


    @equality Now I is better I would have listened but the link appears to have vapourised.
  14. I do like that SD2 Avatar.kit something so usable about it. Sounds OK here the bass is present without being overbearing. The mix generally is fine I can hear all the different voices in the soundstage, which appears well arranged. Worth a
  15. Only either very brave or very stupid people cover the Beatles from this time, I am aware, Kevin, you are not stupid. Good job, good interpretation, mix works here.
  16. Nigel I listened to this on YouTube when I was being ill a couple of weeks ago, sorry if I didn't leave a like I could barely use the remote. As ever up to your usual quality.
  17. Nigel I listened to this on YouTube when I was being ill a couple of weeks ago, sorry if I didn't leave a like I could barely use the remote. As ever up to your usual quality.
  18. Interesting, Hats a bit forward in comparison to the rest of the kit. Could be a Hawkwind tune, space rocking.
  19. Feels like driving music, sounds OK here
  20. You have just push another one of the other buttons. It is not the mods we just work, voluntarily, to the guidelines we are given. It is not censorship it is product management.
  21. @MIDInco Cakewalk software first appeared for Microsoft DOS in the late 1980's. It was created by Greg Hendershot, under a company called Twelve Tone Inc. At that time I was using an Amiga as I didn't have £2000.00+ to purchase a PC. I believe Greg was still about in the early 1990's, but did eventually move on. Will it survive? Who knows, it has survived some 36+ years and a couple of different owners. The Cakewalk Wikipedia page will tell you most of this. All I can tell you is that Bandlab has done more for Cakewalk in the last 6 years than Roland or Gibson ever did.
  22. @MIDInco as to if anyone from the old team persist, who knows, I have been using Cakewalk software since 1992, that 32 years, I have never known, there are a couple of names that pop up but if they are staff from then and as to how long, no idea.
  23. My experience of it means, and position here, it would be inappropriate for me to agree with you, ( ? ?), but it is not likely to be censored, possibly moved to the local den of iniquity.
  24. I suggest you ask/tell the right person I don't have edit access.
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