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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Exports at wrong speed

    @alex_b Check what your Windows Audio settings are.
  2. Interesting an emotive piece, thanks for sharing.
  3. Sounds good here Steve mix works well, vocal clear without over powering, good stuff
  4. Sounds nice enough Rex, not my thing though.
  5. For reasons probably best not discussed here I have very little recollection of the 80's. Mix comes across here other than that I know not what the original sounded like.
  6. Nicely done as ever Daryl and Mrs Daryl.
  7. Wookiee


    Thought I commented yesterday obliviously not, nice one Tim.
  8. Nice twang you got going there @Makke thanks for sharing.
  9. Wookiee

    Old Friends

    Nice track, did wonder if it was going to be a cover of Simon and Garfunkel's Old Friends
  10. Something to listen too to chill out at the end of the day.
  11. Wookiee

    Shadow Play

    I listened to the first track and I did enjoy very much thank you for sharing.
  12. Not my thing, but nicely done all the same, good clear mix, quality playing, good clean sounding vocal, good share.
  13. @aleo I would be impressed if you could find a piece of commercial software that is bug free. I used to do some CAD work the product was a commercial CAD product it had a book shelf of known bugs, with about 20 volumes in it. The only time I have been involved with bug free code was for a certain device that required it to be bomb proof, well you would not have wanted it to be any other way, software failure on a missile would be awkward?
  14. Hello @aidan o driscoll been awhile, very electro-pop, sounds OK here.
  15. Definitely captured that albums vibe and overall sound, well done to be such a brave soul, thanks for sharing.
  16. Another one were the vocal content will not be commented on. Again I am finding the bottom end a little on the light side for the style. As usually some good playing and musical composition. What sort of compression are you using on your drum kit. I use Boz Digital's, David Bendeth  +10dB suit which I find can give a real punch to drums and bass. It used to come with Pro Channel versions.
  17. @Calum Findlay Nice track gets a little quite here in places, which is a shame barely lighting the first two segments of my meters. (Saffire Pro 40 driving Adam A7x's, just so you know I am not running into some none sense kit)
  18. Wookiee


    Some low-fi Jazz grooving , is quite nice.
  19. Nice enough track nothing I could hear to add any meaningful suggestion comment, thanks for sharing.
  20. Nice track Douglas easy on the ears, thanks for sharing.
  21. I enjoyed this in the main David, I agree the shaker is a little present in the opening stage and like Tom I found the Kick had more click than kick. Nice track a few mix tweaks will put some polish on it.
  22. You need to be quick with Bats tracks he showcases them for very short periods.
  23. Not bad sir at least I caught this one in its embryonic stage. ?
  24. @emeraldsoul Well Tom the first 19 seconds do sound like they are through a megaphone? then for me it sounds a bit boxy until the drums kick in at the 1:27 mark, which then returns to a slight boxy sound around the 2:00 mark. There is a lift out of the boxy-ness around the 3:00 mark I think it is the choice of instrumentation. Other than that it is a fun sounding and imaginative track, I do not detect a bias one way or the other on the Adam's. You are also correct in the idea that you will never make her happy.
  25. Not now @Lynn, previously it sounded like you had use a plugin to create extra width so here the guitar sound to the left of the left speaker. it now sits just to the right of the left speaker. If that makes sense.
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