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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Pleasant and relaxing.
  2. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    Um well what can I say, I do understand that sometimes one does need to obscure the input from one's senior management. I trust this is all positive, thanks for your ears and time.
  3. One should never be sloppy when eating ones meat, one should show it respect so one can fully grok it. Mix works for me.
  4. Never understood the need to put things into boxes or genre's music is music. MIx works well here.
  5. I can imagine Captain Beefheart's jams were much like this, as ever @Jesse Screed imaginative and inventive.
  6. Works for me @freddy j and @Lynn Wilson. Just learn to love and appreciate what you have not need to sell it all just what you really do not need. I spent 5 years living on £90 a month that can focus your mind.
  7. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    @freddy j I am glad you are enjoying the ride thanks for your ongoing support.
  8. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    You are most kind it is encouraging to know how it's being enjoyed, thank you.
  9. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    I turned to look behind but could see nothing ?? Nice to know you enjoyed it, thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.
  10. Wookiee

    so here i was

    It is OK it works here, as someone said Bowie-ish
  11. Wookiee


    Pleasant relaxed rhbarto? nice @David Sprouse
  12. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    @jack c. Thanks and probably. There is a lot going on two arp patterns one playing two patterns, hope the cans or mains do not disappoint.
  13. Wookiee


    Sweet NIgel very sweet Never met a DJ quite like her when I was doing radio and DJ work though. ??
  14. Wookiee

    Warp 6

    The ever increasing speed continues approximately 392 time faster than light travels in normal space without suffering the effects gravity wells. Synthesiser Instruments used. Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular x 2 using the new VM2500 modules emulating the ARP 2500 modular synth modules Polymode or Poly Moog emulation DCO 106, a Juno 6 emulation Softube's Model 84 Polyphonic Synth, another Juno 6 emulation FX used. Cakewalk stock plugins for most channels with Tape emulation on the Busses and N-Type Channel emulations, with the Quad Curve EQ and Stock Channel compressor, where need, on all channels and Busses Infected Mushrooms Wider Arturia's Eternity Delay, their Phaser Bi-Tron Boz Digitals David Bendeth +10dB Pro Channel Compressor on two tracks Finalising Span and Youlean's loudness meter on the master buss. Some of you may notice this was published four days ago. Warp 7 is now very nearly baked.
  15. Wookiee


    @Johnbee58 Thank you sir nice to know you enjoyed the piece.
  16. Wookiee


    Thanks nice to hear this went well with that initial turbo charge of the day.
  17. Wookiee


    You get to know what some synths are good at, which means a quick hunt through the presets will reveal something that can be tweaked everything needs tweaking. Other times I have an idea for a sound and just go build it, Modular synths are great for that. Occasionally a synth will have the right sound, they tend to be the likes of the M1 or the Wavestation or other ROMPLER type synths. Nearly every synths I have, have knobs and if one has a knob one must play mustn't one Thanks for the listen and the comment.
  18. Wookiee


    Oh love that bass, sweet squelchy sound, that just growls at you listen to me and this. @Hidden Symmetry this is nice I like this a lot. Mix works a treat here.
  19. Wookiee


    I suspect Richard had his moments, he has always been an inspiration. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
  20. Pleasant little ditty reminiscent of a sound a few years back, worked for me on the Adam's @Douglas Kirby
  21. My Shyriiwook translator says I have know idea what this says.
  22. Is that not your picture above showing a list starting with Bass >?
  23. @greg54 are you saying that if you clicked on the arrow by, let's say Bass, no instruments are listed?
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