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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @PJH Very nicely done sir, she does have a nice voice and you have made a very respectful production.
  2. Wookiee

    Monkees cover

    That was bit of fun blast back to those saturday morning TV Monkee's shows.
  3. Can not say it reminds me of Pink FLoyd in anyway. Nice enough track but not Pink in anyway.
  4. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    You are so kind Freddy you are quite the master of woven tonal textures yourself.
  5. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you Bjorn glad you enjoyed the twist and turns of this.
  6. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thanks nice to know you enjoyed.
  7. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you glad you enjoyed this.
  8. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you Makke you have been doing some cool stuff yourself of late. Thank you NIgel hope things are OK for you down in the south there.
  9. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    If I mellowed your day then I have achieved the objective, thank you for enjoying my music and taking the time to listen and comment
  10. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you Kevin, it is good to know it is still keeping people interested.
  11. I always liked this track such a wonderful selection of chords and changes. Nice Job Steve always cool to watch the fauna in ones own backyard, we have a sparrowhawk visit us some days to drink from the waterfall that feeds our pond. It always politely leaves all the other birds alone it is like there is a truce at the watering hole here at The 4077. Nice on both counts.
  12. Wookiee

    Shadow Aspect

    Not often I find something I don't like or feels wrong with your work Nigel but the transition from the pulsing Bass to the song did not work for me. Once we are into the song it works and is to your usual standard.
  13. Wookiee


    Did you allow SC to "Master it for you" ?
  14. @Barry Seymour Good to hear you survived the quad not fun but you are still breathing. I have to ask in the opening drums is there a kick in there? Here n the Adam's the opening drums sound a little boxy to my furry ears. Nice track though.
  15. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you I am glad to hear they are holding people's attention.
  16. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Probably Warp 10 is that though when you achieve Warp 10 you are apparently in all places at onces???? Thanks for the ears and time Lynn.
  17. Probably not much use but I enjoyed this.
  18. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    @Douglas Kirby you are most kind thanks for your time & ears.
  19. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you ?
  20. Wookiee


    @mark skinner Interesting, I do hope you are going to take this further.
  21. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    Thank you nice to know someone enjoyed it, cans were quite brave.
  22. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    @jack c.thanks.
  23. Wookiee

    Warp 8

    1024 times the speed of light, we are fast approaching the unobtainable Warp 10 will we need Transwarp drive. This is in Cm, Dm & Em following closely to the base note progression B A D B with a few extra passing chords to help with the modulations. Toys used in this production. Cherry Audio's Polymood. Arturia's Jupiter 8 V4 Jupiter 8 V3 Jun6 Roland Cloud JUPITER 8 (Bit of a pain to use if I am honest) FX Boz Digitals +10dB PC Compressor. All other FX are Stock CbB Plugins in the Pro Channel Thanks for your time and for listening.
  24. Some classic EDM, which I am sure if a Club DJ picked it up he would use some of the section in their set. The insistent, unchanging Kick in the first 1:50 is irritating.
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