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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Mix sounds quite nice here at The 4077, I do wonder if a little thicker reverb or perhaps a little slap back on the vocal might give it a little more depth., JTTOAFAFAGFFFA.
  2. It even has that 70's pop mix sound, you seem to have got the sound right.
  3. Does have that FGTH sound, mix works quite well here at The 4077.
  4. Only you can answer that one for I have moved Beyond Beyond. Though if anyone is interested in hearing the complete suite then I have comped it together and will stick it up somewhere.
  5. Wookiee

    Work It Out

    Sometime the issue with listening to a song out of the context in which it was written ?
  6. Wookiee

    And Rest

    Well one has to stir things up sometimes, thanks for the ears and kind words. From you Nigel is a real complement, thank you your most generous sir.
  7. Wookiee

    And Rest

    That was the kind of idea, thank you for your ears and time sir. My evil plan, again thank you lending this your ears. Would you believe me if I said the only FX on this is the Vibrato of the Stage 73 V and Breverb from Overloud. For once not one of my collection of 25 delay plugins was used. Thank you David
  8. Would it be inappropriate to ask how you are capturing your bottom end? of your guitar obviously.
  9. Wookiee

    Work It Out

    Nice one @batsbrew, I do agree somewhat with Nigel the intro was perhaps just a tad to long and then giving us 3.05 minutes I am sure you could have stretched it a bit more, perhaps a second break of your excellent chops????
  10. @whoisp No problem. You may find it is in the conversion some MP3's auto filter anything below 150Hz and that kind wipe out any real sub thud.
  11. Wookiee

    Last Love of Mine

    Nothing quite like an odd time signature to mess with the brain. I will keep the furry ears out for the future versions before passing any more comment.
  12. @Fred's Gratis Scores You may want to check your supplied Reverb's in CbB as it looks to come with REmatirx Solo (From Overloud) which is a convolution Reverb.
  13. Wookiee

    And Rest

    This song is probably best listened to on monitors or good head phones, the full benefit will not be achieved on a phone. And Rest Arturia Stage 73-V Version 2 Created and Mixed in CbB using Stock plugins and Breverb from Overloud. Thanks for listeninging.
  14. What I am hearing @Fred's Gratis Scores is the drums do not sound to be in the same space as the rest of the orchestra. Do you use a global Reverb for glue? I find that using a global reverb for all instruments even those that have reverb already just sticks everything together. You only need real subtle amounts. it does however put everything in the same basic space.
  15. Nice I enjoyed it nothing springs to mind.
  16. Nice tune, you are still getting a little bit of a boom on the bottom end of the guitar.
  17. Nice to know I took you somewhere you enjoyed, thank you. What base?
  18. Wookiee

    Morning stars

    Nice easy Sunday afternoon groove sweet stuff @Makke
  19. @jack c. Thanks for popping in and having a listen and leaving a comment, your time and ear are appreciated.
  20. All that needs to be said has been said about this track so I will not add more, thanks for sharing.
  21. Your mixes never disappoint Nigel, furry paw tapping from the start, nice I like.
  22. Wookiee

    photo album

    Track does hit the ground running, as noted it is a tad hot, other than it appears to be a reasonable well captured and presented track @jack c., Thanks for sharing.
  23. Thank you sir, hope the rest of the day was as good.
  24. New toys @batsbrew? Up to your normal play skills, I will say the kick is sounding a little lite here. Please do not stay away so long I miss your chops.
  25. Thanks Nigel, ah you mean the assorted Gongs? I do appreciate you stopping by and having a listen.
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