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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. @El Diablo There are four services that should be in your Task Manager as processes running anytime that you want to use NI hardware (which obviously precludes NI software). They are: NIHardwareAccessibilityHelper NiHardwareService NIHostIntegrationAgent (*this affects SW more) NTKDaemon (*this affects NA most) As for guitars outside of NI, I've really fallen hard for ImpactSoundworks Shreddage series; they are ultimately controllable with articulations (either IRT or ArtMap), have an excellent Fretless Bass, the Precision bass is above average, Archtop, Strat and Tele are quite good, and the Rosetta Fingerstyle is really good, but the tone requires some tweaking in certain places. The Indiginus guits are excellent in Cost/Benefit ratio, but lack legato slides. I also have a couple of AcousticSamples guitars (Hummingbird, GD-6) that run in UVI player that are great strummers, but get quite thin when used in solo picking mode. YMMV.
  2. I've never had to "reactivate" any of my NI instruments in 7+ years, so you have something funky in your system. There are two important services (whose names escape me ATM... both start with NI though) that should be running all the time or things will go sideways really fast. If I find time I'll return to post them here. I also spent some time as an adjunct product advisor for NI over the last couple of years and foresaw most of the ridiculous marketing moves that were coming down the pipeline, so I've decided to stop at Komplete 13CE. A brief perusal of the NI forum shows me that was a brilliant decision, cuz they're gonna be fixing stuff they broke for the next couple years. When I need new instruments lately, I don't get them from NI.
  3. Not AFAIK. Just set a punch out for the end of the song.
  4. Understood that it's not your arrangement, but the voicing is very innovative and unique. I occasionally will use a commercial MIDI file and just experiment with the instrument voicings to investigate what is in my libraries. Fun & entertaining. Again... great interpretation.
  5. I've used the Presonus & it's OK. I'm currently using the Dangerous Monitor ST, but it is waaayyy out of your budget.
  6. That arp has gotten better recently, but is not the most intuitive or easily controlled.
  7. Open the <Inspector> [shortkey I] which will pop open the two channel strips to the left of the Track View [TV]. At the very bottom there are two tabs labled Audio and MIDI. Click on the MIDI one and you will see that the leftmost channel strip changes appearance to a MIDI channel. RMB in the FX bin in that chan strip and you will get the command. If you RMB on the Track Number (or in the blank space to the right of the track name) you will get a fly-out menu with the command <Split Instrument Track> available, which will split the inst track into associated synth & MIDI tracks. Read in the help facility on Split Instrument Track and Make Instrument Track.
  8. Just a thought... have you checked for a sustain pedal CC64 that carries out under the transport stop point? I've had that happen quite often and tapping the sus pedal stops it.
  9. Of course. Just turn the headphones down when not using them, else you'll hear tiny voices and won't know where from they eminate. 😁
  10. You're luckier than I am. I have tried several ways to remote control via MIDI CC# with no results. Were you using a control that outputs NRPN data? Seems that may be possible. All my controller knobs are mapped via CC. Again though, I fail to see the logical utility of automating the input trims. As a classically trained engineer, I only use those trims for gain staging... set & forget.
  11. FYI; the only version that will still authorize is 2023.09.075 AFAIK. The auth servers for previous versions have been taken offline. If your Win7 is x64bit version, you may be able to upgrade and run the last version.
  12. Unless I'm totally mistaken, the MIDI channel Input Gain knob is (sort of) unique to the DAW and does not have the availability to be assigned or automated by a MIDI CC#. Same thing with an Audio channel Input Gain knob. This may explain why they are trimmed in bipolar values. Generally they are set for gain staging and left in static mode. They may have some undocumented control available using CC 96-101, which translate RPN data to NRPN controls, but I can't find any detailed info on that. Probably only the Bakers know the bit/byte data stream for those encoders. The Buss input gain & pan DO have automation CC's available in addition to the output fader & pan.
  13. Test it either way. I always have mine <unchecked> so that it will always pick up LFO mods exactly where they are set upon playback. Or if any CC is only written starting well into the cue, it can think that CC is at zero from the beginning and really mess things up. Although it can have strange effects on any synth patch that is an evolving or self modulating soundscape like Reaktor or Pandora. YMMV. It's not out of the realm of possibility that it truly was just a glitch. But now if it happens again, document & reproduce if you can.
  14. @David Baay Velocity (as with all MIDI CC) has a 0-127 range. If you dbl-clik on a MIDI vol fader it will reset to 101. If you dbl-clik on an audio fader it will reset to 0dB. Only RPN/NRPN values have bipolar values (-8192 to +8192, zero null) like pitch wheel.
  15. MIDI reset has never affected my volume fader levels. Check the setting in <Preferences><Project><MIDI><Zero Controllers When Play Stops>
  16. That is totally dependent on the VSTi plugin, it has nothing to do with the DAW. Some plugins can be resaved in their initial state with an instrument/preset initiated, but a smarter way to do it in CbB is to save an instrument track with a VSTi loaded into it as a track template and load it instead.
  17. The secret is to have your download folder location open alongside NA when running the DL/Install procedure and catch the ISO file just after the DL completes and during the install operation and quickly grab and copy it to another folder or drive. I have the installers for every NI instrument that I've ever DL'd using NA saved on an external drive.
  18. Well... back in the prehistoric era, those of us that make a living at this stuff... discovered these things referred to as "pencil" and "paper".
  19. It's definitely not a bug(!) or the rest of us that use it every day would be going bonkers. 2023.09.075 is the latest (and final free) build, released early October, '23. Many of us got a renewal authorization prompt in the first week of January, usually with no issues. Most likely you have some trash in your registry. Try to clean it out and see if the problem resolves on your system. Also check for maybe a few too many ShadowCopies (Windows Restore Points) and eliminate all but the latest 2 or 3.
  20. FYI; the only version that will still authorize is 2023.09.075 AFAIK. The auth servers for previous versions have been taken offline.
  21. I had the activation toast pop up yesterday, it said "activation complete" and faded out in about 5 seconds.
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