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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Chris , I decided to pick up the Buss Compressor . Yes I agree with you it does sound very good . thanks for the suggestion , Kenny
  2. Oh Yeah ! Life is Good!!! 🤗 abacab , I get what your saying . I did go with the Saturator X , plus the Mix Buss Compressor for now . This still leaves me 2 promo slots to fill at the current GB tally . Yeah , If they add more plugs due the G B numbers getting larger we can all get more promo's ....I'm interested enough still to have the desire to pick up one of the Tape Machine plugs . The truth is I'm up to my eyeballs in learning curve with the plugs I have now 🤣 thanks ... Kenny
  3. Hi Zargg I have been thinking about getting the Saturator X pretty seriously . thank you for your recommendation . mibby ! , They added another promo plug to the GB today . Yay ! now we all have a little more wiggle room . Hello Jacques Boileau , In my situation I'm running a not so powerful machine . From your feedback it sounds like I may be able to run the tape machine plug OK in T Racks standalone as part of a chain ....not as a Plug in Cakewalk ( due to having a ton of other plugs going on in my mix in real time ) I'm still interested in the Tape Machines I haven't ruled it out but since Saturator X has been on my short list I may grab it sooner rather than later and leave a slot or 2 open for usable suggestions that may fit my needs as things are . thank you so much for your concise review . Hi abacab ! That's it ! I can't take it no more ..😅between you and all of the other fine members here that were kind enough to help me pick out a "I need plug "rather than a "I want plug " I finally got the memo and just added the Saturator X plug to my TRacks while I am on here right now typing up my replies A cool thing too is IK added another plug today into the GB , That means I still have the same amount of promo plugs available I started with when I asked for help in this thread Man this is SWEEET! this IK G B is just like having a Genie that gives you way more than 3 wishes . thanks every one I'll be back here after I run my chores Kenny
  4. Any one want to help give me some input ? Which 2 out of this list are the most useful got to have T Racks plugs . I pretty much have the whole enchilada except for these . Bus Compressor . EQ PA . EQ PB . EQ PG . Saturator X Tape Machine 24 . Tape Machine 440 .Tape Machine 80 .Tape Machine 99 . thanks in advance Kenny
  5. Considering the high CPU , it seems The Tape Machine Plugs may be more suited for an end of mix type of deal .... Luc !Thanks for taking the time☺️ Kenny
  6. I used this group buy to bone up my T Racks . Whats the verdict on the tape machines . Any favs , are they a must have ? Kenny
  7. This thread is a lot of FUN . SO far I like all the IK gear I have gotten in this G B . Only thing now is ,I have to learn how to use a lot of this $tuff ... I know RTFM Kenny
  8. Folks! here we have the surviving evidence of the "one and only time " IKEA sent over a customer service rep to help a customer put together a bed . They stopped doing that after he turned up MIA just like Jimmy Hoffa. Kenny
  9. It's all good , things have gotten clearer for anyone who has an interest in this ..myself included 😉 Kenny
  10. Good explanation ! In any event for a quick down and dirty Amplitube Guitar patch some of the features of the full White 2 A appear to be less important if your desire is to achieve the shortest path to a killer guitar tone built on simplicity. I would expect all those features in T Racks . When one so desires the full features and the versatility of this plug , one could dial up their tone first in Amplitube and then place the T Racks version of the White 2 A on their track. all the best , Kenny
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