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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Noel! Once gain your hard work with the team brings joy to so many!
  2. Yes. This is a known topic. The install/update will over-write all the factory templates. If you are making a customized version, save it under a different name. If you wish this new template to be your default template, you will see an option to set any selected template as your default. Updates will not alter such user-created templates.
  3. I barely turned it on, but right off the bat it loaded in the correct mode once again! I'm looking forward to testing how thorough the update fixed so many related items. I'm still using a slightly older version of Melodyne as it's been avoiding a problem that came with it.... Now I'm thinking it might be safe to update? Anyone have any reports on operation with the latest update of CbB and Melodyne 4.2.1?
  4. I was about to download the new update and when I launched Bandlab Assistant, it refuses my login... So I will next look into downloading a new copy of BA and try this. Anyone having any similar trouble? Edit: OK, that worked. I downloaded and installed BA on top of itself. It will not accept my username, but works with my email address. BTW, the update looks great! I can't wait to check it out!
  5. I've just started paying attention to the numerical values related to LUFS and I'm wondering how realistic my current work is. I read that online systems tend to alter volume to attain a -14 LUFS. I have typically done very light amounts of compression etc. compared to most commercial material I hear yet I have a LUFS average near -12.... So spotify/youtube must be lowering my material 2db? Am I understanding this correctly?
  6. Very sad. He was a good guy! RIP Bo! He is already missed!
  7. Thanks! I getcha! Makes sense. I thought I added more codecs a while back, but maybe not? I have Media Composer First (free) on my Mac for film assembly, but I'm an extreme newbie and I'm finding tremendous difficult with simple audio work in it.
  8. Thanks Mark! I'll check these out. A work around I just used which solved the problem was to import the CbB exported mp4 in Movie Maker and create a new mp4 from there. This copy streams well and plays fine locally on all mentioned platforms. So there appears to be some issue with CbB's mp4 export that doesn't have full compatibility?
  9. This is a new frustration. I have a video imported to CbB to which I've added a music track. Saved as mp4. Finished file plays fine on DAW. Has no sound played via quicktime on OSX. Uploaded to dropbox. Download to ipad has no sound. Downloaded to pc plays fine? Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Thanks!
  10. Interesting how no one seems to mention BFD3 around here. overall it seems far better than the competition. I would buy it if I had the cash. the drum kits sound goid raw! Without processing! Not only professionally recorded, but well developed actual instrument sound. though i use ad2, i hate the fact that they don't allow buyers to hear the raw kits in the demos. I've been disappointed with each kit when I finally hear them raw. Sure. With processing they can be made to sound tood, but that's a fix not-so great sounding drum kits. I still use Session Drummer 3 for the Slate kick we were given as it's better than anything i've been able to do with AD2.
  11. Thanks Morten and Bandlab (and the founding fathers at Cakewalk)! Nicely done!
  12. Glad to hear it went well! I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  13. Interesting. I didn't know that. I'll have to scrutize the libraries that interested me. NI stopped making their B4 but have an organ module for kontakt. That interests me fast. I have the B4 but it's 32 bit... i know there's another version of the B4 offerred by another developer too.
  14. I have only the free versions. I believe they cannot load more library than they came with. Correct me please if this is incorrect. If they take that little space, I guess I could leave it but it's ugly in the lust consisting of multiple entries for various output quantities. I'm guessing 6 finally has a single version with all multi-out capabilities?
  15. Thanks Guys... Backward compatibility won't matter here as I've never used 5. I was more wondering the collection of available sounds.
  16. I installed Komplete 6 free today. I have a number of entries of Kontakt 5 Player and an entry for Reaktor 5 and I'm wondering if there is any value in keeping these. I have not used them in any songs. Thanks...
  17. I installed Komplete 6 free today. I have a number of entries of Kontakt 5 Player and an entry for Reaktor 5 and I'm wondering if there is any value in keeping these. I have not used them in any songs. Thanks...
  18. Yes... I understand and agree. I have fun exploring sounds others have created. For all kinds of reasons. ...but these days more often I have something particular in mind and often find it faster to simply create what I want or use a familiar patch close to such, editing it from there. My ear is better than my memory. 🙂 All in all I agree that it sounds good and has many good editable abilities. I'm sure to get some milage out of the memory-v more than the other synths having more fundamental samples to chose from.
  19. Yes, I'm seeing that. Interesting creatures with lots of power and features yet each is seems to lack things for me. Niow that I have the full factory library for st3 maybe I'll use it once in a while. With only the piano I never used it. Syntronic I might use a little more, but even there... I have a virtual minimoog, obx, as well as many other classic synths so they are far more attractive for me. I get frustrated not having access to "things"...
  20. Interesting. I have st3 3.03 and only the grand piano which loads. All the other sounds are from syntronic and won't load so I'm guessing due to being free. i checked my products on the ik site and found i have st3 custom shop 3.73 there so I'm downloading it as well as all sounds etc. curious to see where this leads. 🙂
  21. Thanks abacab... i see it in st3, but for some reason, not even my factory patches will load. This is st3 free so at first I thought that was the problem but then I found none of the factory patches work. i'll check which version of ST3 I have and update it if available. sure would be nice to have oscillator access.
  22. Thanks Meng! Somehow I felt it was unintentional. It wouldn't be the first time a forum got hacked or such.
  23. Just downloaded it. Not very impressed as it's only a few (2 or 3?) uneditable patches for use in syntronic... Edit Hmmm... A little editable, but I really don't see the model moog (polymoog?). Only a minimooog Edit 2 OK... I take all that back... I finally managed to figure it out. I have the memory v installed now and I've discovered a lot more of the syntronic interface. Some decent editing as well as a plethora of rack plugins and such. Lots of patches. I haven't listened to them all yet but probably plenty of basics in there that can be tweaked by the editing. Now it feels like a very good deal especially as it got me to check the interface more so that I see more value to the syntronic player for it's other sounds as well. As these all install in the sampletank 3 folder, I'm next gonna look at whether they load work there too. I haven't tried that synth in a very long time...
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