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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. That's a lot of back and forth collaboration! I enjoyed this one. Very nice. -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx

    Prisha - Video

    Thanks Steve. As always I appreciate the comments! 905133. thanks for listening and commenting. I was looking for a song title so I googled top 10 Indian girls' names and found Prisha. Freddy and Nigel thanks again for your kind words.
  3. bjornpdx

    Prisha - Video

    John T commented on my Prisha song a couple of weeks ago saying he liked the instrumental part but not the vocal. So I removed the vocal and have to say it sounds better without it. I turned it into a soundtrack for this trippy little video. -Bjorn
  4. I have 1 and 2 and now I have 3. I've tried a lot of vocal libraries and Heavyocity is the best.
  5. Hi Freddy Well I'm starting to accept the delay effect in your songs as being your style. If you like it, just do it! I like your songs because of the story telling, the bluesy guitars and you always seem to be having fun. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx

    Funky Shoes

    Impressive performance. I especially liked the smooth tone of the tenor sax. Well done. -Bjorn
  7. First impression for me was Tony Bennett backed up with a Big Band. Really. This is a different vocal approach for you John, like there's more flair or pizzazz, something like that. Whatever, I think it works very well. Great lyrics and orchestration as usual. -Bjorn
  8. Well I think this is one of the best things you've done Wookie. I like the chord changes, overall structure and esp the lyrics. Have to be honest though, it would be better without the vocoder effect. I can't make out the lyrics without the text and that's too bad since the lyrics are really good. So I'd suggest dialing back the effect or don't use it at all. -Bjorn
  9. Hi Larry, Satisfying listen over all but I think the different sections need to fit together better? Something like that. I really like the strummed guitar notes at the beginning. I like your enthusiasm and sticking with it even though the process can get frustrating. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx


    Kind of an Indian mood to this with sitar and other string instruments. I have some percussion loops from somewhere that have been on the hard drive for years. Sounded pretty good so I put them in. I don't do drums all that well but I thought this came out ok. Vocals from Aliye sample library which I've used in a couple of other songs. I really like that library. I googled the top 10 Indian girls' names and I picked Prisha from the list and used it as the name of the song. NI India Omnisphere Aliye vocal sample library various percussion loops Thanks for listening/commenting -Bjorn
  11. Wonderful song. I was sort of surprised by the 3/4 time at first but it works very well. I remember a while ago you had some problems staying on pitch. I think that was you. Here your voice sounds really good. 1:22 Seemed like something changed, like mono to stereo? -Bjorn
  12. Love the soaring guitar. Great find! -Bjorn
  13. Love it. Reminds me of the 50s channel on Sirius radio and that's a huge compliment. 50s chord changes, piano triplets, falsetto - you have it all down so well. -Bjorn
  14. One of those songs that goes well with a glass of wine on a quiet evening. I noticed the Spanish feel around 2:00 and kind of wished it had more solo time. Just my take on it. Well done and enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  15. Hi Daryl, Great to hear another song from you . Very nice arrangement of piano and strings and quite a catchy tune. Hope to hear more from you. -Bjorn
  16. Hi David If I hear this ringtone somewhere, I'll know you're nearby. Nicely done. Seemed to me like a variety of styles, one leading to another. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  17. Excellent. I really like this one Wookie. Chimes at the beginning reminded me of church bells for a funeral. Seemed appropriate for subject. "Then complain when she takes her price" stood out to me. Nice way to express the issue. I had trouble understanding the lyrics via vocoder. Maybe back it off or do what Mark suggested? But could just be me b/c of hearing loss at certain freqs. You've inspired me to experiment with vocoders. Never done that before. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx


    Thanks Wookie. Hope you're staying cool. Thanks freddy. I've recovered from Covid and it's back to normal life. I was lucky in that I didn't catch it while thousands of miles away from home. Thanks Nigel. You should definitely visit Stockholm. It's a beautiful city with a lot of history. And bring money because it's expensive! Thanks Doug Western Norway around Bergen has incredible scenery. I'd do it again if the opportunity comes up.
  19. bjornpdx


    Thanks Steve. I'm just now getting out of isolation. Can't imagine being in isolation for months. Take care, man. KSBand Thanks. Norway is beautiful but not that cold in June like when I was there. Winter tho can be harsh especially when it's dark nearly all the time.
  20. Powerful lyrics. Well done with that. And the mix is very good such that the lyrics stand out and are easy to understand. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx

    Forge of Gravitons

    Very cool drum riff, though pretty much unchanged through the whole piece. After listening for a while I kind of expected the tempo to pick up and more instruments coming in, all leading to an explosive ending. Well, that's just me I guess. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx

    Wailing Wall

    I like the accompaning bits and chord changes. I couldn't make out the lyrics very well. -Bjorn
  23. Very impressive work on this! I think this is probably the closest I've heard to an actual symphony recording. -Bjorn
  24. bjornpdx


    Great song and very well arranged. Really enjoyed this one. -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx


    Thanks Larry. I appreciate the comments. Meanwhile I made a couple more edits.
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