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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Freddy, I think this one is now my favorite song of yours. I really like the solo ~1:50 especially. -Bjorn
  2. Great job on the remix! Enjoyed it. I have a bunch of old Cakewalk projects that I've tried to resurrect but I'd long ago sold the HW synths I had then. Still kicking myself for that. -Bjorn
  3. Lovely piece and really nice hypnotic groove in the background. -Bjorn
  4. Inventive score and well produced. NIce. -Bjorn
  5. Tim, Very good orchestration of synths in this energetic song. Great job. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx


    Wookie Yes, I did enjoy it. It has an expansive oceanic mood to it, sort of a Vangelis feel but definitely your style. Well done! -Bjorn
  7. Really enjoyed this one! I read the title and knew exactly what it referred to. Nice how the lyrics match the video so well. -Bjorn
  8. Jesse, I always listen to what you post but I don't comment that often because have to say I usually don't get it. I've been here long enough to just accept it as your style and let it go. You posted a video about a wishing well a while ago which I really liked. It surprised me how straight forward the story was since I hadn't seen that level of accessibility (if that's the right word) in your music. Guess I'm trying to say that less experimental and more of the tried and true traditional stuff will likely work out well for you toward a general audience if you're interested in doing that. -Bjorn
  9. Steve, kind of weird sound at first but it certainly has a beauty of its own. Jesse, pretty cool description of your contemplative moment. Side note: you mentioned in another post the movie Carnival of Souls. Despite the cheap production and bad acting, that movie is one of the creepiest I've ever seen. Mark, I knew that the singing is usually done in a lower pitch but I took the liberty of raising it since it just sounded better to me with the synth accompaniment.
  10. Tuvan Throat Singers Omnisphere has several patches featuring Tuvan throat singers which I used in this song in addition to a couple of Zebra vst presets. The Tuvan are nomadic people who live in Mongolia and Siberia. Tuvan throat singers have the ability to sing multiple notes at the same time. By manipulating the resonance of their vocal tract they can produce loud overtones that they form into actual melodies over a drone with their vocal cords. Might sound a little strange at first but you'll get into it. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  11. Very engaging melody and top notch performance. Well done! -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx

    TD 2

    The beginning reminded me of Brian Eno's Begegnumgen which I'm sure everyone is familiar with 😁 I was into the song the whole 6:15. I like how you keep the theme going by changing the chord a little bit when the phrase comes around again. Plus all the little ornaments here and there keeps things interesting. Well done! -Bjorn
  13. Sounds great Lynn. Very clear voc so it's easy to hear the lyrics. I like the little changeup around 1:15 Nice instrument separation, great mix - I can tell you put a lot of work into this. 4:45 whoa didn't expect that. Works well near the outro. Professional job my friend! -Bjorn
  14. Whaaa? Freddy's doing a Little Richard cover? OK the Everly Brothers then. I knew Pat Boone had done a cover, but didn't know about the Everly Bros. Anyway, I thought you did a great job on this. The voc treatment is good and the overall sound is as well. And I love that 50s guitar riff. -Bjorn
  15. What Freddy said above about western movies. Sounds really good, impressive playing. Love the harmonica. Not sure if the change at 2:25 really works. Sounds to me like a completely different song but that's just my impression. -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx

    TD 1

    TD always means Tangerine Dream to me. Very solemn, even minimalist at the beginning, but then the arp bit comes in at the perfect spot. Perfect for kicking back on a rainy day. Really enjoyed it Wookie. -Bjorn
  17. What a great antidote to the evening news. Very nice as always. -Bjorn
  18. I think you hit the mood of the mountains here. Never heard throat singing in a production before. Omnisphere has a collection of Tuvan throat singers patches that I might have to use after listening to this. A couple of minor nits. The intro arps might be a little too long and the transition effect could be more subtle. Other than that, very nice indeed. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  19. Glenn, I like covers where the artist puts his own take on the song and I really like what you've done with this one. The voc could be raised a bit maybe. Or not. Anyway, great work! -Bjorn
  20. Nice bassline but I was waiting for a change here and there. Guitars have hint of spaghetti western soundtrack. Nice. Clint Eastwood could be more in step with the beat. 😊 Mix is very good and I didn't think it was too long. Nice job. -Bjorn
  21. I kept waiting for it to take off, like I was listening to an intro. Maybe that's your intention? Good soundscape nevertheless. -Bjorn
  22. As usual I never know what's going on in Jesse land but there's always some really nice stuff going on in the background. -Bjorn
  23. Andy - thanks. We really need to look at the world now and then from a whole different viewpoint. Nigel - thanks. Appreciate the listen and the comment. Tracing Arcs - thanks. I have enough trouble coming up with a 70's synth sound with all my vst's. Makes me appreciate those synth guys from that period. Keven - thanks for the listen and comment. Wookie - thanks. I can't believe Elka-X sounds so good yet only cost me pocket change. Jesse - thanks! Hidden S - thanks. Appreciate the comment.
  24. Sounds great. I like the mix of progressive/jazz with the melodic violin. The tempo slows and speeds up at the end. Was that done manually? -Bjorn
  25. I added a couple more tracks to my previous song, downloaded some clips of satellites from Pixabay and made a video. Synths used Arturia CS-80 Cherry Audio Elka-X (I really like this one) Omnisphere Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
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