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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    Asha - video

    Old Joad and KS Thank you!
  2. Nigel, Great production as usual but something didn't work for me. I think the disturbing visuals didn't quite match the more upbeat sound of the music, something like that. Just my opinion though. -Bjorn
  3. bjornpdx


    Rik, beautiful song beautifully played. Very nice! -Bjorn
  4. bjornpdx


    Larry, to my mind the drums stood out a bit too much at the beginning. I didn't think the bass was all that distorted, but the level could be turned down. The note bending strings around 1:25 is really cool. I think you could develop that section more. I agree with RikF - more harmonica! Seems like my mood always improves after listening to your songs! -Bjorn
  5. The way a guitar should sound. Very nice! -Bjorn
  6. Not my Life A showcase for your excellent guitar work, not just the mechanics of it but the emotion behind the playing. Don't know what else I could add - it's a professional production all around. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx

    Asha - video

    Asha I've always liked the mystical sound of Indian music so here's another attempt to sound like a sitar. I used midjourney to create the still images in the video. If you don't know, midjourney is an AI site where you type in some text and it returns an image. Not bad except for the occasional results of people with 3 arms and weird fingers. Indian instruments from NI India library. Indignus Renegade Falcon Thanks for listening/comments. -Bjorn
  8. Has to be Windows if you build the computer yourself. I'm comfortable with Windows, unlike Mac where I'm totally lost. -Bjorn
  9. Thanks Wookie Thanks Steve. I thought about making a video but a new computer got in the way. So much stuff (and time) to move everything over to the new computer! -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx

    Just Bones

    Love that accompaniment bit in the background! The vocal track comes across really well. Not too much treatment on it so it sounds unpretentious and honest. Great job. -Bjorn
  11. Hi John Great lyrics as usual. Not a "down" sound at all. Well done orchestration. Don't have any suggestions Sounds very good as is. -Bjorn
  12. Rex I really like your voice (as always) That oooo bgv at the beginning and elsewhere worked well. I think a more consistent theme throughout would work better, but that's purely subjective. ~2:00 and 5:07 Best part of the song but only there for a few measures. Moody Blues-y. 2:25 Kind of a jarring change IMO ~3:00 Creaking door? Oh, opening it with a key as in the title? Always enjoy listening to your well-produced and well-performed songs. -Bjorn
  13. Mournful and almost haunting mood to this. Really well done Wookie. The didgeridoo-ish instrument puts a sinister spin on the mood which is very effective. Take care, -Bjorn
  14. KSband, Steve, Nigel, markno thanks for the comments Larry, thanks for your comment. I was going for an upbeat melody which I think I got. -Bjorn
  15. Rik, Very nice and well played. Love that classical guitar sound. I kind of wanted to hear the arpeggio part by itself for a few measures with chord changes. Just a suggestion. I like the title which seems to fit the song well. -Bjorn
  16. Mark, Boy I really like that bluesy sound going on in the background and is that a cello (around 3:45)? Nice! Vocals fit the genre really well. Excellent. -Bjorn
  17. Freddy, Good story telling as usual. I like the voc treatment, but I think the level could be raised a little. Guitar break is a bit long.. Always enjoy the guitar playing. Well done. Put me in mind of John Prine's Hello In There. -Bjorn
  18. Thanks Rik. I've been resurrecting old unfinished songs and this is one I've been wanting to get to for a long time. I had a friend listen to it and she said it reminded her of Georgie girl. Kind of surprised me since I'm not hearing any similarity but then I read your comment saying the same thing so now I don't know what to think. Anyway, thanks for listening and I appreciate the comment. -Bjorn
  19. Same Time Same Place I started this song a few years ago, back when I used BIAB for backing tracks. I found a really nice fingerpicking midi pattern which I edited a little, then added a melody on top and some strings on the bottom. Bolder Sounds Fiddle Zebra Omnisphere Thanks for listening/commenting -Bjorn
  20. Steve, I like the occasional unexpected note in the melody. The song does sound 60s-ish like maybe Gilbert O'Sullivan? (Wow, don't know how that name popped into mind.) Well done. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx


    Nicely done. It has that overall ambience that puts me in a good mood. North rim of the Grand Canyon? -Bjorn
  22. Lynn, you have an unmistakable voice and it sits really well in your music. Good structure to the song, good mix and also I like all the accompanying stuff going on in the background. As markno mentioned, something sounds just a little out of sync around 3:30. I thought the tempo could be increased, maybe 5 bpm. Other than that I really enjoyed the listen. -Bjorn
  23. Real nice laid back feel to this. Good choice of chord changes. This might be the best I've heard from you Larry. -Bjorn
  24. That was very impressive Jerry. Not sure if the main instrument is a processed human voice but it lent itself well to galaxy traveling. I've done a few space videos but always with NASA images. Pretty cool that you're using your own images. -Bjorn
  25. I thought it was Dumbledore on 1st read, but nothing Harry Potter in the vid. I love travel videos of places I've never been and probably never will. Just excellent production here, the video and the music and the horizons were all level. One of your best Nigel! -Bjorn
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