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Everything posted by Grem

  1. He and Zo getting together and having some Viennese Coffee!!!?
  2. Where did he go this time?
  3. I would drop Ginger Baker for Ian Paice. That was one of the best drummers ever.
  4. Yep, and that's where I find myself today. My job doesn't offer any type of flexible schedule. Nor much time to practice on my own, or even with the band. SO the caliber of musicians I found myself with were great guys, just not much interest in getting better. And when your in that environment, you just get by. Human nature gets the better of you and you take the easy way!! : )
  5. Agree 100% Agree here also. I would add that the level of musician your playing with has an effect on your playing. I was playing in a blues band. Singer was pretty good. And I thought that the drummer, bass player, and sax player were ok too. But one night the singer (who also was the rhythm guitar player) let a friend of his talk him into letting a guy come up and play a song. So the singer agreed and gave him his guitar. He told us a blues vamp in G, and then started to play and intro that shocked us all!! This guy was like you say, a monster!!! But what surprised the hell out of me was the level that the rest of the band jumped up too!! I mean we were killing it!! After the gig my wife told me that when the guy got up there and played, we were like another band. She asked "Why don't ya'll play like that all the time?!!" And I tried to explain... but it was no use. The level of musicians you play with has an effect on you. You were playing better because you knew that "great" guy was there. And he played better because he knew a "passionate" player was there!! And that's the interaction, connections that we have with each other that play/perform. Nothing like it in the world.
  6. Learned that very early on. I learned to play for the people I was paid to entertain. Not other guitar players!! LOL! I agree... but some live for that. I was never like that. I always did it for the enjoyment of it. Don't get me wrong, we were very proud of how we played. We worked hard for it too. Many hours of practice alone keeping our chops up. Many hours of practice alone learning songs. Many hours of practice together getting it all parts of the song right. Then many hours of practice getting the show right. Not to mention the hours of setup/teardowns. And trying to keep all the drunks from "helping" !! Bless their hearts, they meant well. But boy could they tangle some s**T up!!
  7. I had a TB card also. It was later though. Still had an ISA interface!! The Pinnacle! It had a Kurzweil synth on it with upgradeable ram. It was a PITA to keep running. For some reason the IRQ kept switching on it's own. Oh, and the memory address had to be set manually. But when it worked, it worked great. Excellent converters on it. And it was 20bit too!! Here is a SOS article on it when it came out.
  8. How about this model? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1467566845/one-of-a-kind-swarovski-gold-silver?click_key=9338988976a7ec406e209e5c97fd28715b52146d%3A1467566845&click_sum=3feb62be&ref=rv_more-1-10&frs=1 If you care to, watch the video in the pics. No sound, but it looks as if it's playable...
  9. With TH-U it shows in the Banks section which 'collection' you have. Select that and it shows what presets/captures it has. From what I have been able to gather and understand, it's like having the amp sims and the ability to play captures all in one. Similar to Amplitube. Yeah if you go all out I am sure it can be a bit much. As long as I have had it, I think I have only purchased less than 5 of these add on packs. And I have been very satisfied with all that I have from them. They have amps that Amplitube doesn't have.
  10. Well, you are a producer. How good of a producer remains to be seen!! LOL!!
  11. No we didn't!! I don't think I bought a whole set of strings until I got my first Les Paul. I brought it in to the music store (Rock World Music on Veterans Blvd) and had them change the strings. Yep, I had no clue.
  12. Has anyone ever said "That's too much becan!!"?
  13. Is that really such a thing?
  14. LOL!!! Great analogy!! Those things would rust up and tear the end of my fingers up!! I had forgot about that! Yep. I had a guitar from Western Auto as my first guitar. I don't remember if it had any name on it. But I do remember that very high action!! That didn't bother me as much as trying to play chords up the neck. Further up the neck I would go, the more out of tune it would get. Just no intonation on it at all!!
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