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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Too Sweet

    Nice clean vocal, mix seems OK, I did find the bass in the opening minuet boomed a little but that could be my room, I am currently working on that.
  2. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thank you, nice to know you found it cool. There are lots of sounds and most synths can make most sounds. But some are better at some than others the trick is to learn what each synth is good at. Then decide on what you are looking for, bass, lead, pad, purcussion, etc then limit your palette. Presets are good starting points, but always need tweaking to fit the tune and the mix.
  3. Are you on a MIDI track? I know that sounds a bit strange but I found that the best way to get it to work, presumably synths respond to the keyboard?
  4. Correct, Arturia do this, if you watch the installation process 70%- 80% of that is installing all the graphical content. Creating a large installation footprint on your drive. Perhaps the decision has been taken to reduce that footprint for Cakewalk Sonar, I have no idea if that is the fact, but using this new method will do that, as the very basics and simplistic of a vector, is a start point, a finish point and a line weight. As to theme making I have little idea as I have not really played with them, as I have found the supplied adequate to do what the primary function of the software, which is to make music. Prior to the introduction of a theme editor in S-Plat it was not a big thing for me, though I am aware it was something that was high on some's agenda.
  5. Have you tried Infected mushrooms Wider, it is free. Nice tool to add width.
  6. I am aware, many plugins, that are scalable, use vector graphics, but it is apparent from the little I have seen it is very much a work in progress perhaps a little patience is needed. There may for all you and I know be a reason for a flat graphical style, it does reflect the same graphical style used in other Bandlab products.
  7. Nice wide intro, Oh that shut down to very much in the middle once the drums, bass and other bit kicked in. Was that your intention? Basically nice tune but became a bit narrow after the intro for my furry ears.
  8. Nice nothing else needs to be said.
  9. Classic Staypress production, one thing came to the furry mind via the fury ears, I do love the punch on the Kick and Snare I just wonder if they could come back a tad when you are singing. Just a furry eared thought. Other than your normal level of excellent production and songwriting .
  10. There are some basic themes, Light, Dark, Mercury and Tungsten. I think we just have to wait for them to finesse the fundamental core of the GUI then we might see a Theme editor. You can still customise some colours in Preferences. The GUI is undergoing a massive changes though from its inception in the first X1 it has used BMP and PNG's in later years, for 90% of its graphical construction. They don't resize or scale gracefully hence the move to vector graphics
  11. The flatness is because it uses resizable vector graphics, but give them a chance it is a work in progress.
  12. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thanks Daryl your input is always appreciated, be safe
  13. Historically as many instances as you had machines, but only one in use at anyone time.
  14. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thanks for the ears and comments.
  15. No good reason the program S-Plat resides in its own directory. However it appears you are running 32bit S-Plat which should be in the X86 program directory. CbB installs in the 64 bit program directory. Unless you have installed it differently.
  16. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thanks Bjorn, perhaps.
  17. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thank you t, your continued support is greatly appreciated.
  18. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Listening now on YouTube.
  19. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thank you, like me some Weather Report, will have to check out Vitous's Magical Shepherd, they are new to my furry lugs.
  20. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thank you Nigel, possibly the GX-80 from Cherry Audio. The patch is called Composers Dream.
  21. @mibby the ARC studio box is a global solution the EQ correction is in the Studio box, once configured and saved to the box you no longer need the ARC software or the USB connection to the box. That is only required if you want try the alternative profiles like smartphone or 49" TV etc.
  22. Wookiee

    T-here t' T-here

    Thank you Kakku.
  23. With the ARC studio hardware you no longer need to bypass the ARC software as it is only in the signal path to your monitors it is not in the mix path.
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