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"Demented Circus"


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cool stuff, really european,from  Spain to Italy , with a quick look in eastern landscapes , then moove somewhere in the South to go back to your country ( United States) with the banjo ....

yes in  the beginning , it has to see with the european tradition of music for the circus....

It looks like a big work...

Thanks for sharing.


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I liked this as is Tom. Don't change it!! Leave it. : )

The beginning was nice with that bass groove going and other instruments falling in. As I was listening, I kept wondering was people palying along with you? Or was this all done ITB? 

Loved the piano break in the middle, how the drums stopped, the bass kept going then... just you, with a different section all your own. Is that someone picking a guitar after this piano solo? And when the drums do come back in they have a very real feel to them.

And as others have said, the Theremin... that just took it to another place. Really good work from a creative point. Not even gonna comment on the mix, but since you asked... Excellent job all around.

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@daryl1968 - thanks, mate, she needs some spit and polish methinks . . .

@markno999 - yes, the horns I played in on keyboard, overdubbing one over the other, nothing too fussy. I agree, when they come in, its weak. Thanks for the detailed notes, much appreciated!

@thegaltieribrothers - Paul, the idea of a French circus is perfect for what I was aiming for. And several have chimed in "Midsomer Murders" so I will have to check that out. many thanks!

@Hidden Symmetry - many thanks, the Hot Club Bar Mitzvah circuit is an awesome reference!

@Johnbee58 - thanks man - the only rules of potpourri are that there are no rules. Appreciate the comment!


Edited by emeraldsoul
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 @Grem - thanks! All ITB, me bonking things in with the piano controller  - no other people or their real instruments were harmed during the making of this. Glad you liked it.

@vilovilo - European music styles are of increasing interest to me - there is a maturity about them or something. Or just an age, or something hardwired inside of me from an ancestral past? but many thanks for the comments and I appreciate the listen.

@kakku - many thanks and that Theremin I bought just for this . . . it is a keeper, it's the  Soundiron one I think. Cheap and cheerful!


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Very nice arrangement.

We all paint different pictures.

I was thinking I would have liked to hear a different bass... sounds a little boxy to me...  then it it comes at 3.09  ?
Maybe a different selection of horns?
Take a look at Indiginus Blue Street Brass its a great library that I like to use.


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