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2019.07 Feedback

Jesse Jost

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Hey all--

Just updated last night (after creating a Windows restore point). Had a couple issues--both seemed to resolve after a reboot.

The Bandlab Assistant stayed all whited-out for a long time, before it finally settled down and let me install the update. I was surprised the update was so quick since there were some many "updates" and bug fixes, etc.

Then, when I opened CW, it hung for a long time before it finally opened. Then, when I went to open a medium sized project (small for me) it hung too. I had to wait for a long time before it opened and was seeing a Cakewalk not responding up in the top of the window.

Before I was going to do a system restore, I rebooted my computer and then CW and the same project opened fine--so of course I didn't need to do a system restore. I haven't tested the Bandlab Assistant yet--but I rarely use that. I just use it to check for updates.

That's my report.

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5 hours ago, Helene Kolpakova said:

One small bug observed on my windows 10 1803 machine:

After the existing project is loaded, transport section in the control bar is not properly rendered until I select any track.

@Helene Kolpakova If reproducible, could you please post a screenshot of the issue?

Thanks for reporting!

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1 hour ago, Jesse Jost said:

@Helene Kolpakova If reproducible, could you please post a screenshot of the issue?

Thanks for reporting!

Yes, sorry wasn't at my workstation to post the screenshot with my original post.

Here's the screenshot:


Here's the reproduction:

  1. Start CbB - it loads the Normal.cwt
  2. Open an existing project from the Start Screen (in this particular example, the project was created in 2019.05 but I think it doesn't matter)
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2 hours ago, Keni said:

New difficulty has popped up...


Since installing build 70 I continually get lockups between loading projects.

Each time it locks while toast is showing "Loading Clips and..."


Fix coming up for that Keni. Its related to having the option on for only opening a single project at a time.

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And here's another which I finally caught. It's not unique to 2019.07, but annoyed me for years now. Would love to see this fixed.

Short Description: some VSTs get all MIDI ports selected on the corresponding MIDI/Instrument track as a MIDI In port after the track is armed for recording.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Insert one of the problematic VST synths in a new project.
  2. Create a corresponding MIDI/Instrument track if not created automatically.
  3. Notice that by default the MIDI In on that track is set to None (Omni).
  4. Arm the track for Recording.


Typically, the MIDI In port of the track is then switched to "All Inputs - MIDI Omni"


For some synths several MIDI ports are selected at the same time which looks like this


Known VSTs affected: 

  • All NI synths (Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 are especially hurting in that regard)
  • Adam Szabo's JP6K and Viper
  • TAL U-no-LX-V2
  • chipsounds (but chipspeech is fine)
  • AudioRealism ABL3, ADM (but ReDominator is fine)
  • Novation V-Station
  • Cakewalk z3ta+

VST known to work fine:

  • LennarDigital Sylenth
  • Reveal Audio Spire
  • U-he Diva, Repro-1, Repro-5
  • AAS synths
  • Xfer Serum
  • Cableguys Curve 2
  • Cakewalk Z3TA+2

This behaviour is consistent on my machine, i.e. it survives reboots, CbB restarts, is independent of the project and project template.

Also while testing, I noticed that SonicProjects OP-X PRO II crashes CbB on insert - it's working totally fine in Komplete Kontrol though. But KK is affected by the weird MIDI Input ports issue.

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Thanks for the great feedback and reports all.

We now have an early access hotfix build available that fixes known reported problems so far. If you are affected by any of the issues listed go ahead and install the build. Its identical to the 07 release with just these changes.
We plan to release the final hotfix a little later after we address a few more issues.

Please continue to give us feedback on this release in this thread.

New  option to enable/disable setting the now time during playback via Track View Options > Click Behavior > Set During Playback

@Walter Treppler and @btbrock this new option should allow you to switch back to your workflow.


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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Thanks for the great feedback and reports all.

We now have an early access hotfix build available that fixes known reported problems so far. If you are affected by any of the issues listed go ahead and install the build. Its identical to the 07 release with just these changes.
We plan to release the final hotfix a little later after we address a few more issues.

Please continue to give us feedback on this release in this thread.

New  option to enable/disable setting the now time during playback via Track View Options > Click Behavior > Set During Playback

@Walter Treppler and @btbrock this new option should allow you to switch back to your workflow.


I love this hot fix!  Cakewalk has kept its promise to those of us who bought the lifetime updates back in the day.  There's not many companies that's as responsive to their users as CW.  Thanks, Noel to you and all the gang that have stayed with us throughout the years.


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3 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Fix coming up for that Keni. Its related to having the option on for only opening a single project at a time.

 Thanks Noel !


You guys are always on top of things!


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Clip Selection Bug

Short Description: if a track contains multiple clip,the last one is unselectable


when this happened,I have to close and reopen CbB,everything will be back to normal.

It seems appear randomly,I haven't figure out how to reproduce this bug. 


PS:Is it possible to make the transform tool avaliable for tempo map?

it will make tempo adjustment much much easier.:D


Edited by Blacksymphony
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12 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Thanks for the great feedback and reports all.

We now have an early access hotfix build available that fixes known reported problems so far. If you are affected by any of the issues listed go ahead and install the build. Its identical to the 07 release with just these changes.
We plan to release the final hotfix a little later after we address a few more issues.

Please continue to give us feedback on this release in this thread.

New  option to enable/disable setting the now time during playback via Track View Options > Click Behavior > Set During Playback

@Walter Treppler and @btbrock this new option should allow you to switch back to your workflow.


I'm so glad Bandlab got you on board Sir!

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2 hours ago, Joseph Edward Youssef said:

Left Clicking now sets NOW marker (while playback)

I don't like that ! can't change it !


and clicking inside a clip while it's ON to make a split point does nothing !

If you install the Early Access Hotfix, there is now an option to turn this behavior on and off in the Options menu for the Track View. The hotfix also allows for CTRL clicking to override setting the Now Time while the Set Playback option is enabled. You can find the download here: 


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2 hours ago, Joseph Edward Youssef said:

Left Clicking now sets NOW marker (while playback)

I don't like that ! can't change it !


and clicking inside a clip while it's ON to make a split point does nothing !

@Joseph Edward Youssef can you please elaborate, what can't you change? This is configurable in the hotfix in the click behavior.

Also what are the steps to repro the split issue?

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