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Sunrise Funk

mark skinner

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Hello , here's a new one still in the works. It's an instrumental for now , but I'll be adding vocals (if I can come up with anything) , If not I'm goin to try melody cello tracks. Weapons- Washburn Monterey Studio , G&L ASAT , Ibanez bass , MT Power drums, TTS cowbell and various hits , Tyrell synth.   Any crits or thoughts for improvement will be appreciated .  Thanks ..     mark


Edited by mark skinner
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@Bajan Blue @Grem @RikF @noynekker Thanks guys for the positive feedback!  I'm going to just sit on this one for a while. I'm liking the tracks but it's too repetitive to stand on it's own as an instrumental.  When I'm positive about the direction to take it I'll repost. This also may turn out to be a collaboration. Ever heard the term  "I'm at a loss for words"        Thanks .                    Later ..  mark

Edited by mark skinner
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On 2/28/2023 at 4:24 PM, KSband said:

Cool track for sure, you do the busy guitars really well. Like the synth in there too.

Thanks .. I've tried many times to do a song with a single guitar , haven't gotten there yet. I Really like that synth  but this is the first time finding something useable for anything I've done.


On 2/28/2023 at 9:42 PM, Larry T. said:

Solid sonically (mix, bass, middle, treble). Playing is superb as always. It does sound like a good jam rather than a fully realized song, which is cool ????

Thank You for the reply. We've been working hard on vocals and a story line taking it away from just a jam. Noticed now there's now a we ?


On 3/1/2023 at 2:43 PM, FreeEarCandy said:

Certainly a space right down the middle for vocals.  Love those 2 two guitars playing tightly left and right. Agree with Larry. I don't hear and sonic issues. Rather impressive, in fact. Very nice!

Thanks ! Yeah , I kinda set it up from the beginning for vocals. I used to do a stripped down version of this solo , but the vocal lines never really went anywhere .  It was just fun to play the guitar thang. I Really like doing syncopated L/R guitar tracks. Not really a big fan of double tracking or stereo guitar for the type of things I usually do. It's a long way to go to get a finished song , but It's going well.       Thanks for everyone's time and input !            mark 

Edited by mark skinner
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The MT drums sound great. Each guitar has its unique tone ?; really outstanding. Agree the tune needs a “focal” point; I’m sure it will come. 

On 2/25/2023 at 7:47 AM, mark skinner said:

"I'm at a loss for words" 

I too suffer from that, a lot!

We’re all looking for our personal Bernie Taupin; eh?




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When I first started writing songs they almost all had vocals and every one of them was a struggle to write. I have a ton of melody ideas but finding words is like pulling teeth and I don't really like most of the ones I came up with so instrumental writing is my path of least resistance but I do admire people that can do it.

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8 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

The MT drums sound great. Each guitar has its unique tone ?; really outstanding. Agree the tune needs a “focal” point; I’m sure it will come. 

Thanks Tom , I too like the MT drums when they fit in. It's pretty cool how easy it is to put in the fills. Bernie Taupin has Never gotten the attention he deserves. BTW the focal point is now there and Locked In. I think you'll like the next vocal version. @KSband I can definitely relate to your response. A lot of the time I just listen to the melody and cadence of vocals instead of what is being sung. That is Until I start doing lyrics , then there's always a roadblock. Especially  if I'm not inspired or have a good solid storyline for a song. @steve@baselines.com The finished song will be more in line with a live band theme.  More Cowbell !     Thanks ..  Vocals were finished this morning. I'll finalize and repost soon..

Thank You to "Everyone"                       mark

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Hi Mark,  lots going on there loved the left right panning  and the guitar playing was great, acoustic tones beautiful,  I didnt hear too much Bass guitar though maybe needs to be more prominent  , and yeah its crying out for some vocals ..but then I would say that wouldnt I  ?

cheers paul

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  • 2 weeks later...

That must have been fun as hell to put together, Mark! Completely awesome guitars, clean and crisp when the funk is popping in the wonderful stereo field your panning choices have created.

Craig Chaquico didn't need lyrics. Keller Williams usually adds lyrics. These are the two excellent artists I immediately thought of when hearing  . . . so I think it's fine with or without, 'cause it's got snap and sparkle.

It might be just me but I could hear the bass maybe 1db louder in the mix? Might be worth a go . . .

You are so good at creating this type of guitar weave - when things are layered like this, they can get mushy. Just not when you mix them!



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