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SOLVED! timing issue

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Only tested Punch so far, all 4 punches are aligned to one another.

However all are 181 samples Early! This is with a 64 sample buffer.

Single pass and Loop recording are "spot on" (well 1 sample off, pretty much typical with my RME Babyface)


Edited by DeeringAmps
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  On 5/2/2021 at 11:59 PM, David Baay said:

For me, compensation is now correct without punch enabled, but audio is still late by the ASIO buffer size when punch is enabled.

EDIT: When loop-recording with punch enabled, compensation of all takes is correct, and loop recording alone is also good. Only punch alone still has an issue.


Same here. I still have not calculated the offset on punch alone but it looks like it could be about 1 buffer.


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No because I’m testing this on my office computer as is my usual habit. I don’t commit anything to my main daw unless I’m dead sure of it. So I don’t have any recording stuff there other than  my interface. 
I was also thinking it’s  hard to have an accurate reading because now a human is involved ? 

But I’ll grab a guitar and plug it in later once I get my 4 th coffee  

I gather you are referring to an auto punch 

And I’ll add I’m pretty impressed with how quickly staff responded to this. Try that with any other daw

Edited by John Vere
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  On 5/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, John Vere said:

And I’ll add I’m pretty impressed with how quickly staff responded to this. Try that with any other daw


@Noel Borthwick isn't actually human. He is in fact an AI hybrid - kinda like a deep fake with an adaptive fuzzy logic filter to make him seem more human. The question is, who maintains Noel's codebase?  

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  On 5/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, John Vere said:

I was also thinking it’s  hard to have an accurate reading because now a human is involved


Loop back a send from your metronome bus via physical patch from an output to input (preferably separate channels from your main/monitor out and instrument inputs). If your manual offset is set correctly, the recorded clicks will land exactly on bars/beats to the sample when compensation is working.

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  On 5/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, John Vere said:

I’ll add I’m pretty impressed with how quickly staff responded to this


That's for sure!

I bounced 4 side stick hits from EZD, that becomes the "source track"; nice big initial transient makes it easy to "see".
Loop that back, invert phase on one and I (you or as the French would say "Vous", meaning all youse guys) should get
a "perfect null". Its never perfect, and as often as not the Babyface is 1 sample off.
No need for "puny humans" to introduce any error at all...
(Naturally "puny humans" was said with tongue in cheek)

Even the UFX was 1 sample, haven't "calibrated" the UFX+ yet.
When it became obvious there was an "issue", I hightailed it for the office to sick Noel et al on it.



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  On 5/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, John Vere said:

I was also thinking it’s  hard to have an accurate reading because now a human is involved ?


I have a saved project named "Manual Offset Test" (of all things). It has one track with a recorded click that is routed out through the board and into another track with record enabled. So all I have to do is load the project and hit the record button.

After I have everything lined up I delete the clips from the second track and save the project so it is ready for the next time.

  On 5/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, John Vere said:

And I’ll add I’m pretty impressed with how quickly staff responded to this. Try that with any other daw


Impressed hardly covers it. I am amazed. I would believe Jesse that Noel is an AI-Hybrid but a machine would not care that much.

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  On 5/3/2021 at 8:07 PM, John Vere said:

Anyhow yes- the punch in is visibly early on the timeline.


After seeing both you and Tom report that punches are early vs. my experience that they're late, I did another test with punch-in starting later in the timeline instead of at 1:01:000 as I had done initially, and got the same 'early' punch result as you. Will need to verify both cases work correctly when Noel gives us another update.

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  On 5/3/2021 at 8:43 PM, David Baay said:

After seeing both you and Tom report that punches are early vs. my experience that they're late, I did another test with punch-in starting later in the timeline instead of at 1:01:000 as I had done initially, and got the same 'early' punch result as you. Will need to verify both cases work correctly when Noel gives us another update.


I can just see them scratching there heads now!  But this all just goes to show you how important the ASIO timing master and calculations are. I'm glad I didn't update my main DAW as I'm right in the middle of a song and it will need punches like always when I get going. This would drive you bonkers if it was how a DAW normally worked. 

This is all normal behavior if your not using an ASIO driver. I remember my Sound Blaster days and this was about it. 


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Hi Folks, 

Here is a new build that fixes the remaining sync issue with punch recording. Please try it and report back.
If you can please test cases with normal record, loop record, punch record. With punch record also test combining it with loop record and try variations where the loop region intersects or fully encloses the punch region. Lots of permutations to test :)

@Base 57 @David Baay @DeeringAmps @John Vere@giovannibuchelli

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  On 5/3/2021 at 10:56 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

Hi Folks, 

Here is a new build that fixes the remaining sync issue with punch recording. Please try it and report back.
If you can please test cases with normal record, loop record, punch record. With punch record also test combining it with loop record and try variations where the loop region intersects or fully encloses the punch region. Lots of permutations to test :)

@Base 57 @David Baay @DeeringAmps @John Vere@giovannibuchelli


Hi, thanks for the update.

I tested normal record, loop record, punch record, and some variations of punch+loop, and I got perfectly aligned clips every time.





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All good here as well.

Single Pass, Loop Recording, Single Pass with Punch In, Loop and Punch In (with roll up and out), and Loop and Punch set to the same points.

I'll Mark the Thread SOLVED!


@Noel Borthwick Thank You!

Should I add link to Build 147 on page 2 to the title?

Edited by DeeringAmps
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