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  1. Earlier I said Clip Group. That is incorrect. 1. On the tracks you wish to edit, Set the Edit Filter to "Clip Gain". 2. Set the time range by Click-Dragging across all of the clips, or by dragging across the Timeline, or drag select on one clip then Cntrl-Click the other Track Numbers. 3. Adjust the envelope on one of the selected clips.
  2. I will try to be more specific but there's a hurricane going over right now
  3. That hollow clip outline in the pictures above are the result of the Mute Tool.
  4. So... With Cakewalk open, you right clicked a file and chose Open With Cakewalk instead of just opening the file? Maybe a second instance of Cakewalk tried to open and caused the hang.
  5. Make decisions and move on. Archive the original track.
  6. Be aware that this works on the "Current" track. Not on "Selected" clips or tracks.
  7. "Show Aim Assist Time" has to be selected. If you right-click the timeline it is under 'Aim Assist".
  8. On the Input Dropdown, select Manage Presets. You will figure out the rest from there.
  9. Automate the send, not the gate.
  10. Find someone local to you to set-up your guitar. Inexpensive guitars can be dramatically improved with proper set-up. If a guitar is difficult to play, it is more difficult for you to improve as a player.
  11. I'm not sure this counts as a critique of the music but, in early 1984 we had just finished a gig down in Cutoff Louisiana. A group of guys approached and informed us that if we didn't keep playing, they were going to turn over our truck. We declined. So, a bunch of them lined up next to the 22-foot U-Haul and started rocking it. I doubt they would have been able to actually turn it over but, we played another couple of hours. Afterward those wonderful, enthusiastic people turned out to be very generous tippers.
  12. What you are looking for is called "Fit Improvisation". Look it up in the reference guide. It is much easier to do than explain.
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