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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.01 Early Access

Morten Saether

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Um... Does "F2" not work to rename a clip when it has articulations in it? It seems to be ignored for clips with articulations, unless I go to the Select Module and un-mark "When clips are selected, select articulation within tracks too".

Steps to repro:

  • Have two midi clips. One has articulation (MIDI key switch).
  • Make sure that Select Clip + ff is enabled
  • select each clip in turn, pressing "F2" to bring up the clip rename window


  • The clip rename window only appears for the clip without articulation.
  • If you clear the "Select Clip + ff" option, you can now rename the clip with the articulation


This issue is in 2020.11 as well. Please let me know if you would rather I create an official bug report instead of this post.

Edited by Colin Nicholls
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On 1/17/2021 at 3:42 PM, lychee said:


Again I have the same problem with the automation curves when using fast rendering of my music.

When I try to output my music as MP3, Cakewalk lowers my expression automation line to zero and messes up two other parameters making them orphan.


I have a feeling that this is going to be difficult to fix, but I send you my saved file with and without the bug, hoping that you will find the solution.


@lychee Your project has reason with custom modules that we dont have so we can't test it. If possible can you please send us a project that uses standard modules or uses a different synth? Its possible that something is corrupt with the project. 
Also are you certain that this problem is related to the new release?

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1 hour ago, Colin Nicholls said:

Um... Does "F2" not work to rename a clip when it has articulations in it? It seems to be ignored for clips with articulations, unless I go to the Select Module and un-mark "When clips are selected, select articulation within tracks too".

Steps to repro:

  • Have two midi clips. One has articulation (MIDI key switch).
  • Make sure that Select Clip + ff is enabled
  • select each clip in turn, pressing "F2" to bring up the clip rename window


  • The clip rename window only appears for the clip without articulation.
  • If you clear the "Select Clip + ff" option, you can now rename the clip with the articulation


This issue is in 2020.11 as well. Please let me know if you would rather I create an official bug report instead of this post.

Thanks for this @Colin Nicholls - we'll get this fixed for the main release.

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On 1/19/2021 at 10:27 AM, solarlux said:

Thank you very much issue fixed I Switched  to Tungsten Theme and restarted CbB And all is back. Big thanks


On 1/19/2021 at 10:20 AM, scook said:

Possibly the result of running a user theme that needs to be updated.

Either update the theme or change to Mercury or Tungsten and restart CbB.

Hi, I wonder... how do I update a user theme? - I know how to change to another theme, but not how to update. Thanks!

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Fit Tracks and Buses to Window has no effect when there is one track and Auto Track Zoom is enabled. I guess you could argue that it's technically correct behavior, but it sure felt a bug when I kept hitting F and nothing happened. 

It's quite possible that this is not new, but I only now noticed it with the EA release.

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Cakewalk Developers:

I was asked to test this bug fix by Support for the issue that I submitted to you guys:


    -- Imported .wav file has clicks from time stretch

I did test, and in general, the fix does work, thank you very much,  but I found two more issues, the second one I believe is quite serious, and may have been affected by this fix.

1) On the sample I sent you guys to replicate the ACID-wave file issue, if you start that sample at measure #1, and are running WASAPI shared mode driver, you will get some noise/static at the start of playback of this sample.  Here's what I know about it:

-- Seems to only happen on WASAPI shared.  Seems to play fine on ASIO and WASAPI Exclusive.  

-- The weird thing, is that it will go away if you leave Windows Media Player open.   While it is open, no static if played.  If it is closed, then there is static if played from Measure #1.

-- There is no static if the sample is moved/dragged from starting at Sample #1 and started from another spot.

-- I don't see this issue in SoundForge 10 or Studio One 4.  But, I'm running ASIO for StudioOne4, so that is probably the reason why.

I would posture to think this is a strange interaction with Windows WASAPI Shared driver with the Audio engine of CBB.  Seems whatever resource it needs is there if Windows Media Player is open, but if it closed, I suspect CBB audio engine has to create/re-create the resource, and the time or memory in doing so, causes crackles in the audio playback if played from measure #1.

The next one is a very serious issue, at least to me:

2) Wav File and REX2 preview playback no longer work. or at least the way they did in previous versions

WAV files and REX2 playback no longer follow project tempo.  I'm not even sure what tempo they are following at all, it does not seem to follow the sample tempo either.

I did a test with Sonar X3. Both WAV and REX2 both followed project tempo.  This is very helpful of auditioning loops without having to drag them in and timestretch them.  

My guess this was broken in fixing the Acid info in header bug.

Please let me know if you need any more information or if I can help any further.



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11 minutes ago, forkol said:

2) Wav File and REX2 preview playback no longer work. or at least the way they did in previous versions

WAV files and REX2 playback no longer follow project tempo.  I'm not even sure what tempo they are following at all, it does not seem to follow the sample tempo either.

I did a test with Sonar X3. Both WAV and REX2 both followed project tempo.  This is very helpful of auditioning loops without having to drag them in and timestretch them.  

Verify "Preview At Host Tempo" is enabled in the media browser menu. "B" in the image below


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33 minutes ago, scook said:

Verify "Preview At Host Tempo" is enabled in the media browser menu. "B" in the image below

That does fix the issue for REX2 files and the WAV files. But...

1) The update must have had this flag cut off.  I had it on initially, and I thought that is the default. So, what is the proper default?

2) There is still an issue with the 32-bit WAV files as in the fix. They STILL do not sync to tempo even with that flag on. 

On further examination of the 32-bit files: It does seem that these 32-bit WAV files have for the Loops setting in the ACID header set to One-Shot, even though it's clearly a loop! I'd like to see a response from Cakewalk if this matters on preview, otherwise, I probably have to take this up with the sample vendor.

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2 hours ago, forkol said:

Seems to only happen on WASAPI shared.  Seems to play fine on ASIO and WASAPI Exclusive.  

Why do you want to use WASAPI SHARED if it works fine on ASIO?


2 hours ago, forkol said:

There is no static if the sample is moved/dragged from starting at Sample #1 and started from another spot.

Something I'd discovered a while back, having the same issue with samples  either clipping, or having that "static" information as you call it. 

As you've said, it also just happened on measure 1 my side. When dragged even by a "TICK Value" it would disappeared. This bothered me so much that I had to drag all my projects by a 128Step forward to prevent this from entering into the exporting stage.

Here's the thing:

Everytime you import a sample, it get's converted to the sample rate you're currently using in Cakewalk with the BPM it was rendered to. Most DAWs (good example would be FL STUDIO) allows you to stretch the BPM by a millisecond, where with cakewalk - it has a fix whole count. 

Can you zoom fully into the sample and check both the Beginning and End of the sample, to check if it doesn't overlap slightly over into the next measure - or not fully snapped to the start of the measure? This does not apply to all samples. 

So whenever you loop or the sample under this condition, it causes the clipping or a short burst of "Static" as it gets cut off suddenly during playback. 


A quick fix for me would be to "Drag the end that overlaps to be aligned with the measure OR stretch it by hitting ALT+A to open the snap panel. 

Hope this help. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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