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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I don't see 12 buses in Mixbus 32C as any kind of limitation at all. In <daw of choice> mix and pre-production (i.e. EQ, automation etc.) with your favored workflow. Export tracks/and or stems and import them in Mixbus 32C. Then, as stated above, mix like you are on a real (warm) analog console. I tend to export live drums as: 1) stereo WAV of toms 2) stereo WAV of OHs 3) mono kick (maybe even Kick in, out, sub) 4) mono snare top and bottom Those Mixbus 32C tracks now send to one Mixbus 32C drum bus. MIDI drums such as Superior, AD2, BFD3 can be a different animal and should be handled accordingly by either exporting stems (similar to live drums) or load the VSTi and export/import the actual MIDI used. 5) stereo mix of rhythm guitars 6) stereo mix of solos 7) stereo mix of acoustic guitars ? stereo mix of synths and/or orchestrations Those Mixbus 32C tracks are sent to one 'music' bus 9) Vocals as needed are sent to one Mixbus 32C bus 10) Bass tracks (dist, clean, DI) are sent to one Mixbus 32C bus That's only 4 of the 12 fixed Mixbus 32C buses. Vocals could be broken out into lead/bg/gang using 2 more buses, if desired, leaving 6 more buses available. IIRC Harrison has finally allowed delay compensation on their AUX buses so there is that luxury albeit they are not true buses with the mojo that comes with them. One man's opinion. <edit: wrong bus count fixed>
  2. I stopped using 32bit plugins around about 2016. Sometimes they still get installed when the vendor has not updated their installers to opt out of 32bit, but I never point my 64bit DAWs to a 32bit VST path.
  3. COVID-19 (any variant) scares me more.
  4. Oh, you've got stones paulo. Straummy told me so, iirc
  5. Next time at least give them a $20 hold until your wife approves the sale. Absolute worst case you blame her if they won't refund the $20 when she says no. Then again if she's in the store with you she won't leave without the $20 and then, of course, you're still out the two sawbucks.
  6. A group of us went to a restaurant in DelMar one night and nearly every type of "surf" the group ordered they were out of. So much for the surg meeting the turf.
  7. A realization we all come to at one point or another.
  8. and a mashup from the udder fred: He pulled up his Bootsy and said Lemmy Geddy outta here.
  9. I'll be putting on my other Bootsy and getting outtta here.
  10. The Waters are running deep with puns in this fred.
  11. When I see a pretty girl/woman walking down the street I Entwistle at 'em, I catcall 'em. I'm no gentleman.
  12. Donald would Duck out when this fred is Dunn
  13. I'll wait to see what the MacPro towers will go for. I've no real need for laptop.
  14. Put it in the cart. Price was 29.99, added the bx_tuner (on sale for 5 dollars today), added the generic $25 voucher, price dropped to 9.99 and thus a real No Brainer.
  15. It's not about making 'excuses', it's about how Studio One's workflow now suits me better than CbB. Using CbB is like having a large birthday gathering for a grandchild and having my ex there. It's ok in small doses but not as an everyday thing.
  16. Do you often find a debate on whether Debbie Boone or Tiffany is better very enthralling?
  17. I like that it's still there when I need it for collaborations. By that I mean I typically make CbB tracking shell with tempo & markers delivered with stem exports for the collaborator. For my Studio One collaborators I just send the entire project (typically sans 3rd party FXs).
  18. It might be fun to break put the PortaStudio One and create a song on it and only it. Just like the old days. Nah!
  19. If you don't name the DAW with your perceived 'flaw' how can anyone confirm or deny (with a description how to do it) said flaw?
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