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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Prophetically Enlightened Now, Is Straummy
  2. I recently pulled something, but not from Spotify...... my hamstring. Get yer mind outta da gutter Straummy
  3. I'm more a hater of WiFi for things like Zoom.
  4. It's good to know that when I die you won't come chasing after me either.
  5. Happy BD Doc, now you and the other youngsters get off my lawn!
  6. @craigb has an air guitar (he got it free at guitar center)
  7. So, let's play some muzak whilst we get hammered
  8. Have not tried it out yet. I'm a ToonTrack hoarder (i.e. I own everything for the 'just in case' event).
  9. Spoiler Alert: Installed
  10. Just got an email saying FG-Dynamics was added.
  11. Bapu

    For Bub

    He just says that stuff for the halibut.
  12. No sir I have not. Probably never will do that.
  13. I finally tried EZBass on a new tune where I thought my established bass part could use some new ideas. It's a new 'Citizen Regen' metal tune. So, I loaded up the metal bass, plugged in the chords, and chose some metal patterns for the intro, verse, pre-chorus and the chorus. Comparatively speaking the various patterns I picked vs what I originally played were pretty busy (think Victor Wooten Solo but in Metal genre). One small verse section was even pretty close to what I originally played. Now, there was one section I really liked and so I nicked it for my final take that I played on the track, not EZBass. It was something I would probably never would have stumbled on, so it was a cool find.
  14. Nah. I know you would've done an offline backup first.
  15. I guess I'll put the popcorn away for now....
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