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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. There's nothing 'wrong' with CbB. I too jumped on Studio One Pro before Bandlab and found Version 5 to my liking (keyword: workflow). Before CbB, Studio One had arranger track and so that is my workflow now. I tried CbB Arranger it's not my cuppa since it goes about it from a different angle (to me). Studio One has a decent chord track and chord detection system going for it. Studio One allows free form placement of Busses in the mixer (i.e. not a fixed place for busses only). A bus can hide/show its feeder tracks. I find that nifty. Studio One does not have as powerful MIDI editing paradigm IMO but I do so little with MIDI these days it's not a burden to me.
  2. And he's no fish out of water either (although his bass is)
  3. There's an idea. I might do that too someday. ?
  4. I feel kind of dirty now.
  5. Actually here is a real world example to "disprove" that theory. A few years back we saw The Moody Blues. It just so happens we were in third row right in front of John Lodge. He played a Fender Jazz Bass. His tone was exceptional (to me). Sadly about 2/3 into the set he broke a string. They swapped him out with what looked to me like an exact same Fender Jazz bass (and why not). From that moment on no matter what he did the tone was "S H ! T E". I'll assume both basses were strung with the same brand and age of strings (or maybe not). So not even two "exact" models sound the same, why would a Gibson Bass (known for it distortive qualities) sound like a '50 Fender P-Bass etc. etc. etc.?
  6. Not free but "temporary"
  7. Maybe not as well since Charlie left the band?
  8. My dual Xenon 2012 MacPro won't support the latest update of MODO Bass (and probably thereafter too, I imagine). I refuse to sell any instruments to get an M1. I've got CCs for that ?
  9. My random thought for the day: Be random.
  10. I still do that.... What be the problem?
  11. Actumally, Straummy has juan that I byed heem for Xmas.
  12. My DAW is ready/capable for Win 11 my Web machine is not. Both are online 24/7. My 2012 MacPro is *not* Win 11 ready and never will be.
  13. "IT" has arrived. Crappy round wounds were installed on it. This bad boy needs flatwounds. On order. No more room for guitars of basses now. Or drums. Or amps.
  14. Enact all the laws you want and repeal all those you don't
  15. Not sure why this will help, but OK.....
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