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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Well, Jim also has a physical email address that you could reply on. J/S.
  3. Bapu

    For Bub

    Beware of sellers of lefty Les Pauls (you don't know where they've been) Thief steals guitar by shoving down his pant leg
  4. His part in Fight Club was pretty good too. "His name is Robert Paulson"
  5. Saw that last night just before I went to bed.
  6. I've run out of random thoughts. Will I need to start a new fred called "Bapu's Specific Thoughts For The Day"?
  7. Apparently it's no longer allowed to create a mock fred? Sheens and I have been deleted. (Paulo would say it's about time, at least for me)
  8. My stomach churns over a few things in the last two years but the old forum activity is def not one of them.
  9. Maybe hosts can still post there. IIRC @Robert Bone was host there.
  10. I wish I was invited to have a look-see. ?
  11. Bapu

    UAD $50 Coupon

    Now that all the sale prices are gone that UAD $50 is of little consequence to me unless some new retail priced item for $129 came out that I craved. And between UAD and PA (where there is overlap) I've pretty much stocked up on quite an array plugs I wanted in 2021.
  12. Since I have at my disposal multiple DAWs I tend to ignore all DAW specific plugs.
  13. Wireless in the house. Pfffft. Never again. Wired devices only for moi.
  14. I hate to haiku A sad form of poetry Mostly never rhymes
  15. I'll get me coat but until I do Pretty Evasive Nonsense Is Scorned
  16. I just replace my drum mics individual XLR connectors to a snake. Next task is to cleanup/remove lots of accumulated stuff behind the drums.
  17. I went from Cakewalk to Studio One to Protools (to learn from a 'pro')... and ... back to Studio One.
  18. There are non DAW related forums? Why?
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