Hmmm I tried that with a pedal I already own (I own them all) and it wouldn't take.
Cest la vie. I already own Buxom Betty from UAD so it's not worth the fight.
Challenge rhymes with orange more that doors rhymes with self-assured
As does hurdle rhyming with purple more than the above mentioned doors rhymes with self-assured
Same here
Just never wanted to spend upwards of $50 (best sale price IIRC) for such a specialized tool.
Same with XO and their Drum Shaper and Replacer (I already have trigger2 by Slate which I use regularly and drumagog which I hardly use anymore).
I have 2 P-Basses. One white with black pickguard and roundwounds and hotter pickup. The other is black with white pickguard and flatwounds with std pickup.