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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. @paulo What I find weird is that I have all the plugs that are in MPS 4.1 yet I only own MPS 4.0, they offer me MPS 4.1 for $149, WTH am I getting for that $149? I also own Post Production Suite 6. I compared the Total Bundle to what I have and it looks the only thing I'm missing is Break Tweaker Expanded which is $249 yet they will sell me the Total Bundle upgrade for $399. Inconceivable.
  2. I know, right? That's one of three generic EZX serials down.
  3. I don't recall that about Cubase (tho it could be true) but I do remember that Samplitude did that.
  4. So I have this monster tutorial with multiple DAW versions of the song from Slate Academy by Kane Churko that would only play on Reaper until I upgraded to my Intel I9 10900K processor O.C. 5.0GHz. On the PC it would not play in CbB, Cubase 11, Studio One Pro 5, ProTools 12 & Digital Performer 10. On my 2013 MacBook Pro the project would only play on Reaper. Then I got a late 2012 MacPro with Dual Xenon processors the project would play in ProTools 12, Studio One Pro 5, Digital Performer 10, Cubase 11 and Logic Pro X.
  5. I'm sure there at least 3 new CPU options available.
  6. Time for a new typewriter ribbon Robert.
  7. I always thought it was the (male) singers... what do I know I'm a bass player, all we get is the drummers couch and girlfriend.
  8. Great take on the song Anders. One of my son's early metal bands used to play this song with him on keys and vocals. They played it pretty much straight up like this which was quite cool for a metal band to do.
  9. You know, you've got pay for it with an account that has the money in it.
  10. The ex and I had a KAWAI 6' Baby Grand. Now The Lovely Lady and I have a small upright but not in the studio and it never got tuned when we moved here 12 years ago and it's very rarely played and certainly not by me.
  11. Because my Mac Pro 2012 cannot get any OS installed beyond Catalina and is has dual Xenon processors MODO DRUM will not upgrade to 1.1.3 or 1.5.0 since it requires a CPU with AVX support or Apple Silicon CPU. So, while it's all good on my PC, it's a freakin' bummer on Catalina. Also, I have a similar problem with the latest updates to NI's Massive on Catalina. So now I sit and wait on a sweet deal for an M1 processor/64-128gb ram/1tb SSD boot drive in a MacPro where I can install my 1tb NVme drive, 8tb samples drive, 4tb projects drive and my 4tb extra data drive.
  12. I always thought 10 was an 'odd' number of faders to put in a hardware unit. 8 or 16 or 24 is what I would expect to see. For me dealing with 16 tracks of recorded (live) drums I prefer 16 faders, thus I'm glad I got the Presonus Faderport 16 (and I still do have the console1) before the Console 1 Fader unit was announced. @cclarry going with the fader unit (also acting as a console1) would/could be a plus for you out of the gate.
  13. This solved it for me to have all the kits (including the 3 new I purchased) show up and now available
  14. TBH it may have been after I bought the 3 new kits, I'm just not 100% sure. I'm sorry I can't fully answer your question.
  15. RX-8 to 8.5.1 was also updated as was my RX-9 Advanced. They must be maintaining 1 release back unless I just missed that update before I installed RX-9.
  16. When I installed the 1.5 update all my MODO DRUMS sounds reset to 180 days.
  17. I do too and that did not happen to me. I selected 1.5 Upgrade.
  18. I installed the 1.5 update, bought the 3 kits with JambPointz for $55.99 = $18.66 per kit. Downloading the OSX and Windows Sounds now for the three new kits.
  19. It's the room that's off kilter. The lampshade is fine.
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