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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Sort of true but also sort of not true. By all accounts Yoko was the money brains behind increasing John's wealth significantly through investments (of his/their money or course*). *John & Yoko did not have a prenup so once they were married it was to become their money.
  2. Did someone in the marketing department come up with that "malarky" to up the price of their guitars?
  3. I may be mis-informed but aren't there like only two guitar string manufacturers?
  4. I have Geddy's Big Beautiful Book of Bass
  5. Jesse, I *always* go before I go.
  6. Installed with existing serial #
  7. My Alembic Series I has separate outputs for the neck and bridge pickups, it's sent to an Alembic 2 Channel preamp with separate outputs: My Rick bass has the same approach and I sent that to this split bass chain: All my mono basses are sent to this unit, it has two outs + a DI out.
  8. I will sleep better tonight knowing Straummy is back to normal.
  9. There is no 22nd month in Europe.
  10. I've heard they sometimes intersect.
  11. Bapu

    Why BFD sucks

    It's mystery if it will every work under the InMusic umbrella. WRT the $49, I've spent more for plugins I've either hardly or never used. That's no biggie.
  12. My PM only wanted to update 12 EZKeys MIDI packs
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