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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Have not tried it out yet. I'm a ToonTrack hoarder (i.e. I own everything for the 'just in case' event).
  2. Spoiler Alert: Installed
  3. Just got an email saying FG-Dynamics was added.
  4. Bapu

    For Bub

    He just says that stuff for the halibut.
  5. No sir I have not. Probably never will do that.
  6. I finally tried EZBass on a new tune where I thought my established bass part could use some new ideas. It's a new 'Citizen Regen' metal tune. So, I loaded up the metal bass, plugged in the chords, and chose some metal patterns for the intro, verse, pre-chorus and the chorus. Comparatively speaking the various patterns I picked vs what I originally played were pretty busy (think Victor Wooten Solo but in Metal genre). One small verse section was even pretty close to what I originally played. Now, there was one section I really liked and so I nicked it for my final take that I played on the track, not EZBass. It was something I would probably never would have stumbled on, so it was a cool find.
  7. Nah. I know you would've done an offline backup first.
  8. I guess I'll put the popcorn away for now....
  9. Well, Jim also has a physical email address that you could reply on. J/S.
  11. Bapu

    For Bub

    Beware of sellers of lefty Les Pauls (you don't know where they've been) Thief steals guitar by shoving down his pant leg
  12. His part in Fight Club was pretty good too. "His name is Robert Paulson"
  13. Saw that last night just before I went to bed.
  14. I've run out of random thoughts. Will I need to start a new fred called "Bapu's Specific Thoughts For The Day"?
  15. Apparently it's no longer allowed to create a mock fred? Sheens and I have been deleted. (Paulo would say it's about time, at least for me)
  16. My stomach churns over a few things in the last two years but the old forum activity is def not one of them.
  17. Maybe hosts can still post there. IIRC @Robert Bone was host there.
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