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Everything posted by tecknot

  1. Hi Mark, If you keep adding these feature request to the next update, we may never see it. As it is, it's been a while. Kind regards, tecknot
  2. Hi sjoens, May I ask what version of Theme Editor you are using? I ask because I don't have all the tools on my ribbon as you do. Kind regards, tecknot
  3. Hi bigpeekay and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. You might want to start a new thread for this question. Maybe in the instruments forum would be the best place: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/7-instruments-effects/ Kind regards, tecknot
  4. tecknot

    App crash

    Hi Robert, Can you give us a few details on your specs? What kind of plugin are you using or does this happen on all your plugins? Kind regards, tecknot
  5. Hi Robert, You can just close or click OK. Just clicking OK without clicking on Apply works just as well. Kind regards, tecknot
  6. Hi Robert, I am not familiar with your interface, however, if it has a mix knob, try turning that back and forth until you hear sound coming from your (CbB) mix. Kind regards, tecknot
  7. Hi Dave, I am not sure what kind of results you will get, but from the Media Browser, drag and drop a copy of your template into an existing project (while it's open) and the two should migrate into one. You may have to move your tracks into new tracks for the template to be effective. It's worth a shot. Kind regards, tecknot
  8. tecknot

    No audio devices message

    On Second thought, why don't you use ASIO since you have a Focusrite interface. Kind regards, tecknot
  9. tecknot

    No audio devices message

    Hi KSband, Why don't you use WASPI? Kind regards, tecknot
  10. Hi Jed, Make sure your Input Echo is on and that the audio engine is also activated. see this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.21.html Kind regards, tecknot
  11. Hi pulsewalk, There is no such module I am aware of. However, you may be able to use the Arranger to create the same. I don't use the Arranger myself, but hopefully someone can enlighten us on its use in this regards, if it is possible. Kind regards, tecknot
  12. Hi Millzy, Zeta+2 was a paid upgrade. I went into my account with Cakewalk just to check if my serial number would be listed in My Products (https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Products), but Zeta was not even listed. Thank goodness I kept a record of all my serial/registration numbers. According to my records, there is no installation discs. So, the upgrade was a download in my case. You may be out of luck. Kind regards, tecknot
  13. You are not crazy. The Edirol/Roland controllers did not ship with the power transformer. Kind regards, tecknot
  14. Thanks, Scott! So, I can use this on the recent Patchwork deal? That's pretty cool. Kind regards, tecknot
  15. Thanks for this comprehensive list, murat. I appreciate it! Kind regards, tecknot
  16. Yes, Bandlab, please develope the Themes options further. Kind regards, tecknot
  17. Hi Mesh, You might have to rely on IKmm to answer this one. Kind regards, tecknot
  18. Dear Alan, Try this trick... Create your new template and go to the Media Browser then drag and drop your old project into the new template. You can save it as a new project (new name) or over right the old project. Hope this helps. Kind regards, tecknot
  19. What I have done is save a template project as my default so when I open CbB my workspace is exactly how I want it (including the Control Bar). Kind regards, tecknot P.S. I set Workspaces to none.
  20. Not sure if this is relevant, but I've been using a Focusrite Saffire firewire interface on Windows Pro 10 (1909) for years. I am using two Thunderbolt adapters (one firewire to Thunderbolt 2 and the other is TB2 to TB4) on a laptop with Thunderbolt ports. All is working fine and very reliable. Not sure if it is worth it since I had to spend $100 for the two adapters, but for me it has been. Kind regards, tecknot
  21. Hi koala and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Does the E463 show up as a MIDI device in Preferences? If so, is it "checked". Also, if the keyboard is recognized by CbB, do you see it as an MIDI input device in the MIDI track Input drop down? Kind regards, tecknot
  22. Hello Helene, The Aim Assist position is not a landmark which you can snap to. You must use the Now Time marker instead. Kind regards, tecknot
  23. Most likely a misfired key stroke. You can easily duplicate clips by highlighting them and pressing D. Just a guess. Kind regards, tecknot
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