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Everything posted by tecknot

  1. Anyone with a copy of the current release of CbB 2019.01, can you please send me a copy? I don't have access to BandLab Assistant due to my dead laptop. I don't have any other means to access the net except to borrow a little time from a friend. I would be forever grateful. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, tecknot
  2. Why can't we just get the BandLab log-in window instead of a window with a link to the BandLab sign-in? I really am trying to conserve my left mouse clicks. Kind regards, tecknot
  3. Good morning all, My laptop went belly-up and now I don't have any means to access CbB updates. I am borrowing a machine to access the net, but I cannot download and install BandLab Assistant for the updates. Does anyone have a copy of the latest update I may utilize? I would greatly appreciate it. BandLab, please make updates available as direct downloads the way Cakewalk has always made them available to users and please make older updates available to users also. That way I can access updates without having to download and install additional software and/or wait until I replace my laptop and have personal internet access. Thanks in advance Kind regards, tecknot
  4. I am with you, Chris. Unfortunately, we only have one alternative and that is to change audio file/clip names manually (after material is recorded or added to project). I sure wish we could set a naming scheme for clips in a projects. Perhaps this could be one of the many feature requests submitted to Cakewalk/BandLab. Kind regards, tecknot
  5. If you want to see the Browser to be collapsed when opening a new or existing project, unlock the offending ScreenSet and collapse the Browser. Then lock the ScreenSet and SAVE the project or template (or save as a new template). I went back and forth on this myself but it wasn't until I save the project/template did it stick. Kind regards, tecknot
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