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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. yes - an excellent upgrade to the downloader system
  2. I sneaked in - sorry! Your post is far more informative though! I'm only practicing for beating Larry with something! ?
  3. Can't say it grabs me but here it is! https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/super-meat-boy-forever
  4. Has anyone watched these - wondering if they are worth investing some time in?
  5. As others have said there are lots of excellent video tutorials available on YouTube - the links already posted to Creative Sauce's (Mike Enjo) and John Vere's series are a great place to start. Watch these - and watch them again ? - and you'll be well on your way. You'll always find friendly advice here and if you are on Facebook you might want to join this group (full disclosure I am a mod there!) for more friendly CbB related discourse! https://www.facebook.com/groups/4529701167094391
  6. Happy birthday - even if it isn't by now! ?
  7. Glad I missed the excitement! Edit - just seen them now! What a PIA!
  8. Thanks - I was just this very moment wondering whether we were going to get one this month!
  9. Apologies I missed that! I got too excited thinking I may be able to help rather than asking for it! ?
  10. A very long shot but do you have the AIR VST's on a disc different from your system disc. I ran into problems and contacted support a few years ago and the told me to move the VSTs to my C drive and they worked fine after that - including installing on a new PC. It looks like your problem is different but thought I should mention this!
  11. There's a good series of tutorials on using Soundpaint on their YouTube channel.
  12. I just got the activation message too - logged in to Bandlab website and also into Bandlab Assistant for good measure. Closed CbB and reopened - message gone. No big deal ?
  13. Happy New Year everyone!
  14. @PavlovsCat thanks so much Peter - very kind of you! Native have sent links to some free Sonuscore orchestral instruments - wondering if they are worth installing. I think they may be getting on a bit now. I have Miroslav Philharmonik (also very old!), Garritan PO, BBC SO Core and now, of course, the Orchestral Tools instruments in the Kontakt Factory library so not sure I need those as well though the free Kontakt library GAS is going to be in full flow over the next few days!
  15. Now all I have to do is choose the two free Play libraries - had a listen the other day and none of them grabbed me. I already have Hybrid Keys.
  16. Thanks @BTP That cinched it for me! £57 for Kontakt and a few Massive presets I may never use! @PavlovsCat thanks for persuading me ? Downloading now!
  17. These say they are for Massive X - can they be used with original Massive?
  18. I've just gone for the Salu instrument Evolving - demo sounded nice and seems a decent amount of content for 22 euro!
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