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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. My local store in the UK Gear4Music also has them in stock without freebie that T&S are offering but if you want it now and live nearby... https://www.gear4music.com/Music_Software/Native_Instruments-Summer-of-Sound-Offer
  2. Just messaged T&S and received an automated reply : "Time + Space will be back on Monday."
  3. Kinda tempted by the T&S boxed version as you effectively get a backup of the software on hard drive at no extra cost (in UK) and the Zero-G synth seems not half bad. Their site seems a bit weird at the moment though. When I add K12 update to my basket it automatically offers to add Dronar Hybrid library for free which it then charges 36 GBP for. What happened to the Free Zero-G Herz O G? Maybe they'll sort it out on Monday.
  4. Bump! Looks like it ends on 14 June.
  5. I will update to K12 but just waiting to see who has the best deal. Here's a comparison of Komplete versions... https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-12/compare/
  6. Oh, I thought it would show me how to sing like Pharrell ??‍♂️ I'm in anyway, thanks Larry.
  7. ZincT

    IK Support

    Whatdyaknow, it worked!!! All I did was re-authorise ST3 and American Acoustic is now unlocked in ST4! Weird as American Acoustic was working fine in ST3 so it must have been authorised. I guess it was to do with it being already authorised before the ST4 installation. Anyway, thanks Promidi and I trust that IKM will send you some support commission ?
  8. ZincT

    IK Support

    Agreed. I cannot understand why, in 2019 they don't have a clean and simple installation system like pretty much all of the other top tier "audio production software" companies.
  9. Same here Canopus. Looks like it is free for another 25 hours and 25 minutes (as of 12:38 pm BST for those in the UK).
  10. ZincT

    IK Support

    Worth a try. Thanks ?? I should add that American Acoustic works fine in ST3.
  11. ZincT

    IK Support

    Thanks Promidi. I have been through this with support. Anyway I have always had two separate locations for ST3 and ST4 sounds under a common IK Multimedia folder. It's all in the thread I listed above. I have removed all folder locations and re-scanned with none, then adding each one back one at a time starting with the ST3 instrument folder and re-scanning etc (see above thread). With only ST3 instrument folder I still have the same problem. I have an SSD drive with all of my sample based instruments on. S:/IK Multimedia/SampleTank 4 and S:/IK Multimedia/SampleTank 3 Here's a listing of folder content using Treesize Free. Under ST3 Instruments you will see, amongst others, 200_American Acoustic , 410_NRG and 600_Electronika Chillout. The last two work fine in ST4 but American Acoustic still shows a padlock. That is the issue. TreeSize Free Export.pdf
  12. https://www.gog.com/game/obduction from the makers of Myst.
  13. ZincT

    IK Support

    To be honest I really regret buying SampleTank 4. If I had the chance to change my mind and not buy it I would jump at the opportunity. Yeah I know all of its great features etc, blah blah. Could I do without it? Easily. This sudden disappearance of IK (Ryan) after he had started to help over a week ago is unforgiveable. It's like "Oh you raised a support ticket, great we can put you on the back burner now". Still nothing from Peter either. Do you think this is a good way to deal with your loyal customers Peter? The nightmare that is their ST4 installation method was always going to cause problems with lots of end users and there are plenty of threads on various forums indicating as much. Nevertheless I was methodical in my installation process and I have religiously updated from 4.0.0 to 4.0.4 and the new sound installers. ST4 itself seems to work fine but it will only let me use some of my ST3 MAX libraries (all of which work fine in ST3).
  14. Hey that's pretty cool. Slightly annoying for me though as they are my local store in the UK (25 minutes drive) and when I emailed them to ask whether the crossgrade was a boxed version with e-licenser they said... ?
  15. Seems like a great bundle for the price mono. I would be tempted if I didn't already have the OTS Evolution Songwriter and MusicLab RealStrat Elite. Also my main real guitar is a USA Tele so I am well covered for Tele sounds.
  16. ZincT

    IK Support

    Lucky you Fleer. Still heard nothing here. ? Ticket number is # 3496650 raised on 22nd May
  17. Thanks husker and Matthew. I like the look of that Streamworks Audio course and it works out at around 26 GBP with the current discount so a definite contender. I will also probably get the Groove3 one on offer and wait for the others. I will also check out the Ask Video and SOS Tutorials although I don't have a sub for SOS magazine. I have subscribed to the Steinberg YouTube channel so maybe I should work my way through their content before spending too much money on paid for tutorials.
  18. Can anyone recommend any Cubase Tutorial videos? I am OK with the basics from using Cubase Elements. I am trying to avoid any that just run through all of the features without actually showing how to use them in real world examples. I notice Groove3 and Udemy have a few but some are for older versions of Cubase, which is not necessarily a bad thing if the content is still relevant. e.g. https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Cubase-10-Explained https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/First-Song-with-Cubase (currently half price at $17.50 to own) https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Cubase-Chord-Track-Explained https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Cubase-10-Editing-Audio-Explained and https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Padshop-and-Padshop-Pro-Explained for PadShop Udemy has this very basic but FREE course... https://www.udemy.com/from-cubase-to-cupro-getting-started-on-cubase-10/ plus a whole lot of other Cubase courses... https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?src=ukw&q=cubase&sort=price-low-to-high None seem to be on offer so it's probably worth waiting a couple of days for their next "sale"!
  19. ? Lol, nabbed it thanks. Two more serials left - I'm sure there was another one I meant to get and forgot about. ?
  20. ZincT

    IK Support

    Thanks kk. Did you mean this thread: If so that's the same solution that Ryan from IK offered. I tried it and still no joy. More details of the problems are at the end of this thread (anyone know how to link to a specific post within a thread?): Incidentally, for the song where I wanted to use American Acoustic I have now used NI Strummed Acoustic 2 ☹️
  21. ZincT

    IK Support

    Same here Fleer. It's a week today since Ryan last made contact regarding my problem accessing legacy ST3 libraries in ST4. He asked me to pm the ticket number which I did and haven't heard anything since then either from him or support ?
  22. I am running ST4 standard and the only issue I have is I cannot run all of my ST3 MAX legacy instruments e.g. American Acoustic. I have an outstanding support ticket for this problem. You might find this table useful as it shows you which instruments are included with each version of ST4 (ST4 SE, ST4 and ST4 MAX): https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/st4/soundlist/SampleTank_4_comparison.pdf
  23. I wondered the same. I did find the demo which is 3.9Gb and I am downloading now from Initial Audio. https://initialaudio.com/product/sektor/
  24. Thanks for the information TS. I will try the demo.
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