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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Double ditto. I have used both MX300 and MX500s over the last few years without any issues. My current system has a 1Tb and 750Gb MX500 in it both operating at full SATA III speeds.
  2. Hey Fleer, Like it! I must remember that one
  3. Thanks for the heads up Glyn. I never got a reply to my email to support so I am inclined to pass. It's not like I don't have enough string libraries ?
  4. Thanks Larry and abacab for the recommendation ?? Luftrum 10 does indeed sound greaaat!
  5. Thanks for the heads-up Marc. Really loving these presets and with all those amp/cab variations it could take all month to explore all of the sounds on offer ?
  6. ZincT


    Just noticed that you can get the 1.3 beta update from Initial Audio. I am using it and have had no issues so far. https://initialaudio.com/my-account/sektor-v1-3/ Note that the link has "my-account" within it so you may need to be logged in for it to work. Here's the changelog: Sektor Version 1.3 Improvements: -Switched to a much cleaner sounding limiter on the output of the synth so sounds better when the volume is pushed hard. -Made the resonance of the filter less extreme at high settings. -Adjusted the cutoff range for the filter. -Added 2 new filter types Analog lowpass and Analog Highpass. -Improved the filter menu to have more descriptive names. -Added a more analog sounding overdrive to the master section and filters. -Reduced the CPU usage of the Convolution reverb. -Added a clear notes button and Humanize mode to the sequencer. -Hold Ctrl or Command while dragging on the Osc+ page to set finer values. -Added support for loop points in user wav files. When enabling Loop mode in the sampler if the file contains loop points these will be used instead of looping from the end of the file. -Tooltips now take longer to show, so they don’t popup quite as much. -Improved the level meter to show peaks more accurately. -Improved the CPU usage of the GUI. -When Clicking the link to generate serial, the machine name and activation code are automatically entered. -Users can now move or install Sektors content to another harddrive instead of being forced to install all content to the main drive. Fixes: -Samples where not retriggering correctly in mono mode with long release times. -In MPE Mode Glide wasn’t always polyphonic. -Fixed Heat Up 3 instruments not loading in the sample oscillator. -Fixed a possible crash when an Impulse response was missing. -Higher notes were louder in volume that lower notes, added some attenuation to balance out the difference to sound more natural. -Fixed some values sticking when turning modulations off.
  7. It's an evil ploy to get you to upgrade to TH-U, Mesh ? JRR got back to me quickly and have now sent working serials for both. Thanks Uncle E ?? I can see what I will be doing this weekend
  8. Yeah, hopefully just a glitch, thanks Mesh. Btw I just tried dropping one of the riglib files into TH-3 and it didn't allow it (gave a "circle cross" symbol for the mouse cursor indicating forbidden).
  9. Me likey amazing wizardry - gonna try the demo. Thanks Fleer.
  10. Not sure Mesh but according to this page it is only supported by TH-U --> https://www.overloud.com/products/choptones-fried-be50d They are delivered as .riglib files, so does TH-3 support those? When I tried to register BRIT 1987 it said the serial was in use by another account and I haven't received one yet for Fried BE50D. So I have emailed JRR about this. Hopefully will hear back soon.
  11. Thanks Larry, Mesh for the vid and Marc for the recommendation. I couldn't decide between the packs so got both. Seems great value for around 32 GBP for both. BTW TH-U seems to have been updated 1.0.13.
  12. Thanks TS. Isn't this one of Fleer's go to's? Certainly looks impressive.
  13. Also note that it's a free update if you bought it last year. You should receive an email.
  14. Thanks Zo! Enjoyed the video and review. I'm going to demo it for sure. Just wonder what the price will be. Love that track especially the bass sound.
  15. Hey Mesh, Phat 1 is the only Ujam Virtual Drummer I have (apart from a few Beatmakers) and I am thinking of doing the same as you and for the same reason. ??
  16. Waiting for Zo's review
  17. MySteinberg was down yesterday and the shop wasn't giving the correct discount. It's up again now and those Padshop expansions are coming up at 12.50 GBP inc VAT each in the sale (17 GBP for Granular Guitars) so I have picked up Zero Gravity. BTW Zero Gravity is well worth it if you don't have it already.
  18. Thanks Grem and Chandler for the video. Oh boy, more stuff to try out!
  19. My guess is that you could buy the PadShop Pro upgrade license now. You just won't be able to use it until you buy Cubase Pro which includes Padshop or buy Padshop separately.
  20. Thanks TTF. Do you have Zero Gravity and is it any good or any of the other Padshop expansions?
  21. Chordpulse is a good and cheap alternative and there's a free 14 day trial. Nowhere near the number of styles or complexity of BIAB but quick and easy to get decent results and you can export the MIDI for import into your DAW. http://www.chordpulse.com/ A couple of others which I haven't used but may be worth a look... Impro-Visor -- https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~keller/jazz/improvisor/ Musical MIDI Accompaniment - https://www.mellowood.ca/mma/ There are also quite a few IOS apps with this kind of functionality if you have access to a suitable device (iPad etc): Chordbot, Chordmaps2, Navichord, Suggester, AAccompanist, Chordbud, Odesi, Session Band and a load more I have probably missed.
  22. Thanks Amicus. I bought micro but the email I got tonight tells me all about Elements but I don’t see a voucher anywhere. I also checked my Soundiron account. I will email Soundiron and see what they say.
  23. Thanks for confirming husker. Yes I paid the same for the upgrade.
  24. The Zero Gravity expansion says that it is included with PadShop Pro but I think it must be in the full retail version as I don't see it in my version (I upgraded to PS Pro from the version included in Cubase Pro). Does anyone have it and have any opinions? Thanks
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