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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Scratch that! They got the total wrong... The total for all 6 packs = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 19 + 19 = 74 Now 60% discount on 74 x 0.4 = 29.60 So it is actually 60% discount.
  2. Good point! I think they must mean 60% of the normal price ... 49 x 0.6 = 29.40 -- SEE UPDATE BELOW
  3. Not used it yet! I got the Studio version at Christmas and only used Jamstix in a couple of projects so far. It seems quite deep and unique and I hope to use it more in future. I do have an unfinished song which gets heavy in the middle and was thinking I might see what Jamstix metal drummer can come up with. The existing drum track is made in AD2.
  4. Tempted as those are the only bits I don't have. Does anyone have any of these and care to comment? Thanks Larry.
  5. First time I have been tempted by PA in a while. Still eyeing up Thorn, SpecOps and Metric A/B.
  6. Thanks Larry. I finally got around to demoing and ordering some more Kuassa bits. Already had Vermilion but after demo'ing the others have now added Creme, plus the Wah and Chorus (I'm a sucker for chorus and this one is great). I'll maybe add Cerberus when I get a bass guitar ?
  7. Thanks TS ? They certainly keep their products updated!
  8. So did I! Thanks for the heads-up Larry. Bad news the way that Steinberg handled your situation.
  9. It's of no use unless you have one (or more) of their products.
  10. Just a heads up in case anyone else has this.... I had a few problems with Play 6 crashing when loading samples in Hollywood Orchestra after updating to Play 6. It also reported a couple of corrupt samples. So I tried "Update Instruments" and when that didn't work "Download and Reinstall" in EW Installation Center. Still crashing and reporting corrupt samples. So I finally deleted the samples folder to force EW Installation Center re-download the samples and it has been fine since then.
  11. And here. Pretty painless experience.
  12. Another serial bites the dust! Thanks BassDaddy.
  13. That's great news, thanks TS.
  14. Thanks TS. Updated United Pop for me.
  15. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Version 4.0.2 now available in your account. I may actually try to install it now. More info here... https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20719
  16. Version 4.0.2 now available in your account. I may actually try to install it now. More info here... https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20719
  17. Didn't receive anything from AAS about this yet so thanks for the heads up TS.
  18. Thanks TS. Just to add that if you bought v1.0 then you should receive an email with a download link for v1.1 from Dennis lenz at RA.
  19. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Also just noticed that there is already a ST4 v4.0.1 available (was 4.0.0 yesterday).
  20. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    By the way, the link to KVR is below if anyone wants to read some of the early ST4 impressions so far... https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=516428&start=615
  21. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Yes I guess they are including ST3 to fill in the gaps. For me though I already have ST3 MAX so I'm only really interested in what's included in ST4. I also have full Miroslav Philharmonic (not to mention lots of other string libraries) so I am well covered but I just thought the standard ST4 should include some strings. I was thinking that ST4 standard would maybe include all (or most) of the instruments but just have fewer articulations compared to MAX. I am also assuming that I don't need to download any of the ST3 bits as I already have these installed plus quite a bit extra from ST3 MAX. I have now downloaded everything new in ST4 but I am holding off installing anything until some of the teething problems I have read about on KVR have been fixed.
  22. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    The IKM ST4 webpage now includes lists of what's included with each version.... https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/st4/#soundlist I am quite surprised at what's not included in the ST4 standard version. It doesn't have the variety of instrumentation that I would have expected e.g. no strings. ST3 standard version had more variety. For someone needing a general purpose sample library that would make ST4 MAX almost a necessity.
  23. Peter has now confirmed that non-sequential part numbering is correct if you don't have the MAX version. ? I am trying to resist trying out the new interface until I have all the instruments. I do think it's a shame that they didn't have a less manual method for downloading and installing.
  24. Yes I have been following that thread on KVR (and contributing myself). So far so good with the download and the speed keeping up OK at the moment. Got about 40Gb so far.. I have an unanswered question about the download part numbering, for example, the download list shows ST4 Acoustic Drum Kit Sample Part 1 and then Part 4. I would like to know whether that is because you only get parts 2 and 3 with the MAX version or is there something missing from my downloads?
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