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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. the name Shag surely has some hidden meaning I just can't put my finger in
  2. I Love This! Bapu should add bass!
  3. Police is meerly stating”FREE BIRD! Play FREE BIRD!”
  4. I Am amazed you know whom hasn't shown up yet to tell me I did this Fred all wrong and misspelled something you know whom you are
  5. If'n you know of anyone willing to pay for a Yfi
  6. Monwhy Tueswhy Wedswhy Thurswhy Friwhy (my favorite) Saturwhy Sunwhy fixed
  7. What is thei Fred rated?
  8. The above material is what you would work on in Music School. It is applied to every tune you learn. Think of the money you're saving by just doing the two videos above
  9. I interupt this Fred for an important annoucement I Am looking for a damsel to ride the streets to protest the 10% sales tax rate in Louisiana Please apply in person. That is all
  10. Wow Strammy I didn’t think of that I want to see that! I Am here all week too
  11. I was expecting mud bikinis etc!!!
  12. Speaking of General Baboonery. General Baboon got himself caught up in high society after he retired. Being there are two groups of which one, the more ons, have more money to spend on clothes , cars, houses etc. than the other group , the less ons whom have much much much less money. Being a more on he got into politics. I looked up politics in the dictionary and found it's definition. Poly, which means many. And ticks. Blood sucking parasites General buffonery is still with us today
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