I contacted tech support and they said I should have a redeem button present in MyPersonus Studio One 5 Artist. All I've seen is upgrade.
I sent a screen shot and waiting for a reply
Thank you! You solved it for me.
If you registered a copy of Studio One 4 Artist OEM or Studio One Professional OEM during the grace period, we are sorry but you are not eligible for an upgrade.
Thank you very much for telling me that!!! No I haven't read anything like that,
At the moment I feel a bit ripped off. IF I'd known version 5 was coming out I would have waited and get that one.
ANY INFO on if you purchased within the last 90 days you get 5 for free. PLEASE LET ME KNOW
If it makes you feel better I’ve had my rod 6 months and it’s still stiff
I figure I Am just not using it enough and I Shirly wouldn’t go to my doctor about it
Cents I spent all my money just getting Studio One 4 I can’t afford version 5
but that’s not important right now.
How is it if you have it and how is it better?
I several times referred to Bapu as master Bapu. In my book he is a master bassist. If anyone perverts it to mean anything else or expects me to adjust or change MY choice of words ,,,,,,, censored .... (reworded) they are mistaken
Today people believe what they’re taught in school, watch on TV, the news, second hand information, rumors , hearsay, but very little facts
I Am sure you guys and Christian don’t want my opinion about anything on this Fred
I go by actual experiences and what I have seen in my life and very much don’t care what anyone thinks
I will say I Am white from Louisiana
and very proud of both due to the people I have known here