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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. I contacted tech support and they said I should have a redeem button present in MyPersonus Studio One 5 Artist. All I've seen is upgrade. I sent a screen shot and waiting for a reply
  2. Thank you! You solved it for me. If you registered a copy of Studio One 4 Artist OEM or Studio One Professional OEM during the grace period, we are sorry but you are not eligible for an upgrade.
  3. I would think if you go to the Presonus store and add the Pro 5 upgrade to your cart you will either see a $0.00 due or not. It says Total $164.12
  4. Thank you very much for telling me that!!! No I haven't read anything like that, At the moment I feel a bit ripped off. IF I'd known version 5 was coming out I would have waited and get that one. ANY INFO on if you purchased within the last 90 days you get 5 for free. PLEASE LET ME KNOW
  5. If I remember right Johnny Cash has been everywhere man so he’s Master Placist!
  6. Well great... now I have Larryist envy
  7. I tried that but the ladies kept beating me up
  8. Till then I’ll have to suffer Studio One 5 envy
  9. $149 for the upgrade so that pretty much counts me out.
  10. If it makes you feel better I’ve had my rod 6 months and it’s still stiff I figure I Am just not using it enough and I Shirly wouldn’t go to my doctor about it
  11. All you need is a Zebco 33
  12. Cents I spent all my money just getting Studio One 4 I can’t afford version 5 but that’s not important right now. How is it if you have it and how is it better?
  13. I can’t help it . I was born that way. It’s in my blood I Am bassist
  14. as long as team colors are not black and blue
  15. I several times referred to Bapu as master Bapu. In my book he is a master bassist. If anyone perverts it to mean anything else or expects me to adjust or change MY choice of words ,,,,,,, censored .... (reworded) they are mistaken
  16. Pfffst! I could tell just by looking at him
  17. Today people believe what they’re taught in school, watch on TV, the news, second hand information, rumors , hearsay, but very little facts I Am sure you guys and Christian don’t want my opinion about anything on this Fred I go by actual experiences and what I have seen in my life and very much don’t care what anyone thinks I will say I Am white from Louisiana and very proud of both due to the people I have known here
  18. RIP Charlie huge influence on me we did many many cover tunes by his band RIP
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