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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Ok i have exposed myself enough for one day
  2. I have to. When I don’t they just fall to the floor
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you know whom you are!
  4. bayoubill


    That's completey understandable
  5. bayoubill


    I put this together as a last resort Justin Case The Bunny Song I try to be patient, I try to be kind. You tell me what the trouble is Am I losing my mind? Now I didn't ask for much, Just one simple little thing I didn't ask you to part the waters I just wanted to hear you sing into the briar patch briar patch a smile on your face I see into the briar patch briar patch laughing at me into the briar patch you will be I gave you hats,I gave you ties I even let you eat my bunnies And this is how you repay me! Come on now do you think that's funny? into the briar patch briar patch a smile on your face I see into the briar patch briar patch laughing at me into the briar patch you will be
  6. bayoubill


    I Am not Shure if this will work but I do think it is free FREE MATTERESS
  7. Wow! If I looked like her I’d walk backwards
  8. How do I make this picture, or parts of it, bigger? I want a closer look!
  9. Thank you Slip Thank you vry much!
  10. Pffft! The joke’s on them! they still have to cook them
  11. I saw a red orb very high in the sky today. It was a cloudless day so nothing to obstruct the view. It stayed there for about 40 minutes then disappeared. Actually it faded out very fast and was gone
  12. Is there a line to get into? I want in as long as it’s free
  13. I Made much chili I have cheddar cheese with chips to go along with it and ,of coarse, the onions were pretoasted with Becan!
  14. after hearing what they were throwing I would let them have it cuz of what may be sticking to it
  15. It figures I wanted to learn dog grooming. Now I'll have to hold the dogs up the the computer screen to follow what the videos are doing The industry has been under strenuous attacks by certain US copyright holders. Accordingly, it has become financially impractical for Free Online Youtube Downloaders to continue to provide services and will be terminating its services in the United States.
  16. I belive I'm deaf. I quit trying to record because of it. I wear hearing aids that help alot but not good for music. At least I can watch a movie with them on and understand what's said.
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