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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Yes. like he above, I live in the south and Am a handsome devil cept I have way more gray hair
  2. I dub this Pizza night before all my teeth fall out!
  3. I Am at the Dentist cuz another tooth fell out . I passed the temperature test however Am under99 degrees
  4. Please don't message me aboot my Canadian envy disorder
  5. YEAH! I need to find my pitch fork. Then I Am ready!!!
  6. Deafinately! and do you or have you ever used Studio One 4 and do I need Studio One Professional since I have Cakewalk by Bandlab?
  7. Welcome to the forums! Post your question in the Instruments and Effect forum also. Sounds like you need to go into cakewalk and hit UTILITIES at the top of the page then go down to the Cakewalk plugin manager from there go the the bottom of the page below vst configuration and hit the add button find the folder ugritone assault drums and add it then hi ok then scan vst plugins When it's finished, you may have to exit cakewalk and come back in, it should be in the soft synth tab Hope this helps Grimpond. You can get more info from the Instruments and Effect forum
  8. Thanks !! From what I can tell for me it would be Artist with the vst support which adds $80 total of $150 I think I'll try the demo 1st
  9. What virual Instruments come with it. Does Addictive Drums? Anything like Rapture PRo?
  10. I was randomlying when I came across these simple diagnosis
  11. Thank you so much! I love this absolutely AWESOME!!
  12. For any ERIC JOHNSON fans! A must listen Here he is in 1975 in his very early 20's.
  13. I think I'll take a shower today instead of Saturday. It means 8 days till my next one but as long as I get one almost every Saturday I stay on schedule
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