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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Why does this Fred only get one star? I posted my super burger and everything!
  2. That is 93% I also use 90%
  3. I only use mustard on any of my burgers and wouldn’t dream of using mayonnaise
  4. It looks over cooked but it is not it was very juicy not with red but amber what looks dark in the photo is the bbq sauce from my turning the burger just before putting it on the bun
  5. This was what I just ate off the grill, los Becan BBQ cheese Burger and it was MAGNIFICIENT!
  6. That’s way better than money!!!
  7. I hope there’s a “ get out of banned “ card I think I might need it
  8. It’s rumored you have money lots o’ money fixed
  9. Ok ok I confess I too have “those thoughts” about Betty even as a youngster! she is so sexy I just can’t help it ?
  10. Thanks for your thoughts Ed it seems people lost the ability to reason like they used to I completely agree with everything you said above you’ll never say anything to me that would shed a bad light on you You are my friend
  11. This is what happens when someone like me doesn’t use spill checker
  12. Ok ok I apologize for any thing I have said it’s obviously the much beer talking apologizing for celebrating the 4th of July would be like )(&))&^%(*&^#$%^
  13. Due to current events on the media and my resolution to maintain the current public political correctness I want to apologize to Steve for our treason
  14. I know I know I’ve probably offended a few Fredsters in my above statement I apologize for my statement What I meant to say was that he is a “ professional friend “ of FEARLESS LEADER
  15. Isn’t he a personal friend of FEARLESS LEADER and frequently visits the Whitey House?
  16. Finally! A Fred thay makes sense to me
  17. Grilled hotdog and hamburger day! I always have vanilla ice cream and orange sherbet swirls for dessert
  18. Much hot dogs, corn dogs, hamburgers, Becan, and beer weekend not necessarily in that order
  19. Why Thanks Slip Thank you very much! YUMMY
  20. Once again I go into a Fred with the expectation of yummy buns butt only get pastry
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